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Papers by MCnet members in all years
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MCNET-24-13: Small systems and the single-hit approximation in the AMY parton cascade Alpaca
Törnkvist, Robin; Zapp, Korinna
Preprint: arXiv:2309.04458, 2023-09-08
MCNET-24-12: Hard diffraction in SHERPA
Krauss, Frank; Meinzinger, Peter
Preprint: arXiv:2407.02133, 2024-07-02
MCNET-24-11: Tri-boson and WH production in the W$^{+}$W$^{+}$jj channel: predictions at full NLO accuracy and beyond
Denner, Ansgar; Pellen, Mathieu; Schönherr, Marek; Schumann, Steffen
Preprint: arXiv:2406.11516, 2024-06-17
MCNET-24-10: Algorithms for numerically stable scattering amplitudes
Bothmann, Enrico; Campbell, John M.; Höche, Stefan; Knobbe, Max
Preprint: arXiv:2406.07671, 2024-06-11
MCNET-24-08: $\texttt{Pyresias}$: How To Write a Toy Parton Shower
Papaefstathiou, Andreas
Preprint: arXiv:2406.03528, 2024-06-05
MCNET-24-07: The Alaric parton shower for hadron colliders
Höche, Stefan; Krauss, Frank; Reichelt, Daniel
Preprint: arXiv:2404.14360, 2024-04-22
MCNET-24-05: Matching Hadronization and Perturbative Evolution: The Cluster Model in Light of Infrared Shower Cutoff Dependence
Hoang, André H.; Jin, Oliver L.; Plätzer, Simon; Samitz, Daniel
Preprint: arXiv:2404.09856, 2024-04-15
MCNET-24-04: Jet angularities in dijet production in proton-proton and heavy-ion collisions at RHIC
Chien, Yang-Ting; Fedkevych, Oleh; Reichelt, Daniel; Schumann, Steffen
Preprint: arXiv:2404.04168, 2024-04-05
MCNET-24-03: NLO+NLL′ accurate predictions for three-jet event shapes in hadronic Higgs decays
Gehrmann-De Ridder, Aude; Preuss, Christian T.; Reichelt, Daniel; Schumann, Steffen
Preprint: arXiv:2403.06929, 2024-03-11
MCNET-24-02: $ t\overline{t}b\overline{b} $ at NLO precision in a variable flavor number scheme
Ferencz, Lars; Höche, Stefan; Katzy, Judith; Siegert, Frank
Preprint: arXiv:2402.15497, 2024-02-23
MCNET-24-01: String Interactions as a Source of Collective Behaviour
Bierlich, Christian
Preprint: arXiv:2401.07585, 2024-01-15
MCNET-23-24: Wigner 6j symbols with gluon lines: completing the set of 6j symbols required for color decomposition
Keppeler, Stefan; Plätzer, Simon; Sjodahl, Malin
Preprint: arXiv:2312.16688, 2023-12-27
MCNET-23-21: Generalized angular-order parton showers in Herwig 7
Lee, Joon-Bin; Masouminia, M.R.; Seymour, Michael H.; Yang, Un-ki
Preprint: arXiv:2312.13125, 2023-12-20
MCNET-23-20: Simplifying QCD event generation with chirality flow, reference vectors and spin directions
Boman, Emil; Lifson, Andrew; Sjodahl, Malin; Warnerbring, Adam; Wettersten, Zenny
Preprint: arXiv:2312.07447, 2023-12-12
MCNET-23-19: Herwig 7.3 Release Note
Bewick, Gavin; Ferrario Ravasio, Silvia; Gieseke, Stefan; Kiebacher, Stefan; Masouminia, Mohammad R.; Papaefstathiou, Andreas; Plätzer, Simon; Richardson, Peter; Samitz, Daniel; Seymour, Michael H.; Siódmok, Andrzej; Whitehead, James
Preprint: arXiv:2312.05175, 2023-12-08
MCNET-23-18: A Portable Parton-Level Event Generator for the High-Luminosity LHC
Bothmann, Enrico; Childers, Taylor; Giele, Walter; Höche, Stefan; Isaacson, Joshua; Knobbe, Max
Published: SciPost Phys. 17, 081 (2024)
Preprint: arXiv:2311.06198, 2023-11-10
MCNET-23-14: Efficient precision simulation of processes with many-jet final states at the LHC
Bothmann, Enrico; Childers, Taylor; Gütschow, Christian; Höche, Stefan; Hovland, Paul; Isaacson, Joshua; Knobbe, Max; Latham, Robert
Preprint: arXiv:2309.13154, 2023-09-22
MCNET-23-12: The MadNIS Reloaded
Heimel, Theo; Huetsch, Nathan; Maltoni, Fabio; Mattelaer, Olivier; Plehn, Tilman; Winterhalder, Ramon
Published: SciPost Phys. 17, 023 (2024)
Preprint: arXiv:2311.01548, 2023-11-02
MCNET-23-11: Polarised cross sections for vector boson production with Sherpa
Hoppe, Mareen; Schönherr, Marek; Siegert, Frank
Preprint: arXiv:2310.14803, 2023-10-23
MCNET-23-10: The dynamic hadronization of charm quarks in heavy-ion collisions
Bierlich, Christian; Gustafson, Gösta; Lönnblad, Leif; Shah, Harsh
Preprint: arXiv:2309.12452, 2023-09-21
MCNET-23-09: New approach to QCD final-state evolution in processes with massive partons
Assi, Benoit; Höche, Stefan
Preprint: arXiv:2307.00728, 2023-07-02
MCNET-23-08: Baryon correlations in Pythia
Lönnblad, Leif; Shah, Harsh
Preprint: arXiv:2309.01557, 2023-09-04
MCNET-23-07: (N)NLO+NLL’ accurate predictions for plain and groomed 1-jettiness in neutral current DIS
Knobbe, Max; Reichelt, Daniel; Schumann, Steffen
Preprint: arXiv:2306.17736, 2023-06-30
MCNET-23-06: A spatially constrained QCD colour reconnection in $\textrm{pp}$, $\textrm{p}A$, and $AA$ collisions in the Pythia8/Angantyr model
Lönnblad, Leif; Shah, Harsh
Preprint: arXiv:2303.11747, 2023-03-21
MCNET-23-05: Collider constraints on electroweakinos in the presence of a light gravitino
Ananyev, Viktor; Balázs, Csaba; Beniwal, Ankit; Braseth, Lasse Lorentz; Buckley, Andy; Butterworth, Jonathan; Chang, Christopher; Danninger, Matthias; Fowlie, Andrew; Gonzalo, Tomás E.; Kvellestad, Anders; Mahmoudi, Farvah; Martinez, Gregory D.; Prim, Markus T.; Procter, Tomasz; Raklev, Are; Scott, Pat; Stöcker, Patrick; Abeele, Jeriek Van den; White, Martin; Zhang, Yang
Preprint: arXiv:2303.09082, 2023-03-16
MCNET-23-04: Searches for new physics with boosted top quarks in the MadAnalysis 5 and Rivet frameworks
Araz, Jack Y.; Buckley, Andy; Fuks, Benjamin
Preprint: arXiv:2303.03427, 2023-03-06
MCNET-23-03: One-loop calculations in the chirality-flow formalism
Lifson, Andrew; Sjodahl, Malin; Plätzer, Simon
Preprint: arXiv:2303.02125, 2023-03-03
MCNET-23-02: Efficient phase-space generation for hadron collider event simulation
Bothmann, Enrico; Childers, Taylor; Giele, Walter; Herren, Florian; Hoeche, Stefan; Isaacson, Joshua; Knobbe, Max; Wang, Rui
Preprint: arXiv:2302.10449, 2023-02-21
MCNET-23-01: Unweighting multijet event generation using factorisation-aware neural networks
Janßen, Timo; Maître, Daniel; Schumann, Steffen; Siegert, Frank; Truong, Henry
Preprint: arXiv:2301.13562, 2023-01-31
MCNET-22-22: MadNIS - Neural multi-channel importance sampling
Heimel, Theo; Winterhalder, Ramon; Butter, Anja; Isaacson, Joshua; Krause, Claudius; Maltoni, Fabio; Mattelaer, Olivier; Plehn, Tilman
Published: SciPost Phys. 15, 141 (2023)
Preprint: arXiv:2212.06172, 2022-12-12
MCNET-22-20: Projected transverse momentum resummation in top-antitop pair production at LHC
Ju, Wan-Li; Schönherr, Marek
Preprint: arXiv:2210.09272, 2022-10-17
MCNET-22-19: Photon splitting corrections to soft-photon resummation
Flower, Lois; Schoenherr, Marek
Preprint: arXiv:2210.07007, 2022-10-13
MCNET-22-18: Wigner 6j symbols for SU(N): Symbols with at least two quark-lines
Alcock-Zeilinger, Judith; Keppeler, Stefan; Plätzer, Simon; Sjodahl, Malin
Preprint: arXiv:2209.15013, 2022-09-29
MCNET-22-17: Accelerating LHC event generation with simplified pilot runs and fast PDFs
Bothmann, Enrico; Buckley, Andy; Christidi, Ilektra A.; Gütschow, Christian; Höche, Stefan; Knobbe, Max; Martin, Tim; Schönherr, Marek
Preprint: arXiv:2209.00843, 2022-09-02
MCNET-22-16: Strength in numbers: Optimal and scalable combination of LHC new-physics searches
Araz, Jack Y.; Buckley, Andy; Fuks, Benjamin; Reyes-Gonzalez, Humberto; Waltenberger, Wolfgang; Williamson, Sophie L.; Yellen, Jamie
Preprint: arXiv:2209.00025, 2022-08-31
MCNET-22-15: On sum rules for double and triple parton distribution functions and Pythia’s model of multiple parton interactions
Fedkevych, Oleh; Gaunt, Jonathan R.
Preprint: arXiv:2208.08197, 2022-08-17
MCNET-22-14: The role of initial state radiation in quenched jets
Zapp, Korinna
Preprint: arXiv:2208.00813, 2022-08-01
MCNET-22-12: Impact of string interactions on the space–time evolution of hadronic vertices
Chakraborty, Smita; Lönnblad, Leif
Preprint: arXiv:2207.14186, 2022-07-28
MCNET-22-11: Strangeness enhancement across collision systems without a plasma
Bierlich, Christian; Chakraborty, Smita; Gustafson, Gösta; Lönnblad, Leif
Preprint: arXiv:2205.11170, 2022-05-23
MCNET-22-10: Exploring phase space with Nested Sampling
Yallup, David; Janßen, Timo; Schumann, Steffen; Handley, Will
Published: Eur. Phys. J. C, 82 8 (2022) 678
Preprint: arXiv:2205.02030, 2022-05-04
MCNET-22-07: Colour evolution and infrared physics
Plätzer, Simon
Preprint: arXiv:2204.06956, 2022-04-14
MCNET-22-06: Amplitude factorization in the electroweak standard model
Plätzer, Simon; Sjodahl, Malin
Preprint: arXiv:2204.03258, 2022-04-07
MCNET-22-05: Automating scattering amplitudes with chirality flow
Lifson, Andrew; Sjodahl, Malin; Wettersten, Zenny
Preprint: arXiv:2203.13618, 2022-03-25
MCNET-22-04: Event generators for high-energy physics experiments
Campbell, J.M.; Diefenthaler, M.; Hobbs, T.J.; Höche, Stefan; Isaacson, Joshua; Kling, Felix; Mrenna, Stephen; Reuter, J.; Alioli, S.; Andersen, J.R.; Andreopoulos, C.; Ankowski, A.M.; Aschenauer, Elke Caroline; Ashkenazi, A.; Baker, M.D.; Barrow, Joshua L.; van Beekveld, Melissa; Bewick, Gavin; Bhattacharya, S.; Bierlich, Christian; Bothmann, Enrico; Bredt, P.; Broggio, A.; Buckley, Andy; Butter, A.; Butterworth, Jonathan Mark; Byrne, E.P.; Carloni-Calame, Carlo; Chakraborty, Smita; Chen, X.; Chiesa, M.; Childers, J.T.; Cruz-Martinez, J.; Currie, J.; Darvishi, N.; Dasgupta, M.; Denner, A.; Dreyer, F.A.; Dytman, S.; El-Menoufi, Basem Kamal; Engel, Tim; Ravasio, Silvia Ferrario; Figueroa, Daniel; Flower, L.; Forshaw, J.R.; Frederix, Rikkert; Friedland, Alex; Frixione, Stefano; Gallagher, H.; Gallmeister, K.; Gardiner, Simon; Gauld, Rhorry; Gaunt, Jonathan; Gavardi, A.; Gehrmann, T.; Gehrmann-De Ridder, Aude; Gellersen, Leif; Giele, Walter; Gieseke, Stefan; Giuli, Francesco; Glover, E.W. N.; Grazzini, Massimiliano; Grohsjean, A.; Gütschow, Christian; Hamilton, Keith; Han, T.; Hatcher, R.; Heinrich, G.; Helenius, Ilkka; Hen, O.; Hirschi, Valentin; Höfer, M.; Holguin, J.; Huss, Alexander; Ilten, Philip; Jadach, Stanislaw; Jentsch, A.; Jones, S.P.; Ju, W.; Kallweit, Stefan; Karlberg, Alexander; Katori, T.; Kerner, Matthias; Kilian, C.; Kilian, W.; Kirchgaeßer, M.M.; Klein, S.; Knobbe, Max; Krause, Claudius; Krauss, Frank; Lang, J.; Lang, J.-N.; Lee, G.; Li, S.W.; Lim, M.A.; Lindert, J.M.; Lombardi, D.; Lönnblad, Leif; Löschner, M.; Lurkin, N.; Ma, Y.; Machado, P.; Magerya, Vitaly; Maier, A.; Majer, I.; Maltoni, Fabio; Marcoli, M.; Marinelli, G.; Masouminia, M.R.; Mastrolia, Pierpaolo; Mattelaer, Olivier; Mazzitelli, J.; McFayden, Josh; Medves, Rok; Meinzinger, P.; Mo, J.; Monni, Pier Francesco; Montagna, Guido; Morgan, T.; Mosel, U.; Nachman, Benjamin; Nadolsky, Pavel; Nagar, R.; Nagy, Zoltan; Napoletano, Davide; Nason, Paolo; Neumann, Tobias; Nevay, L.J.; Nicrosini, Oreste; Niehues, J.; Niewczas, K.; Ohl, Thorsten; Ossola, Giovanni; Pandey, V.; Papadopoulou, A.; Papaefstathiou, Andreas; Paz, Gil; Pellen, Mathieu; Pelliccioli, Giovanni; Peraro, T.; Piccinini, Fluvio; Pickering, L.; Pires, J.; Placzek, Wieslaw; Plätzer, Simon; Plehn, Tilman; Pozzorini, Stefano; Prestel, Stefan; Preuss, Christian Tobias; Price, A.C.; Quackenbush, Seth; Re, Emanuele; Reichelt, Daniel; Reina, Laura; Reuschle, Christian; Richardson, Peter; Rocco, M.; Rocco, N.; Roda, M.; Garcia, A. Rodriguez; Roiser, Stefan; Rojo, Juan; Rottoli, Luca; Salam, Gavin P.; Schönherr, Marek; Schuchmann, S.; Schumann, Steffen; Schürmann, Robin; Scyboz, Ludovic; Seymour, Michael H.; Siegert, Frank; Signer, Adrian; Chahal, Gurpreet Singh; Siódmok, Andrzej; Sjöstrand, Torbjörn; Skands, Peter; Smillie, Jennifer M.; Sobczyk, J.T.; Soldin, Dennis; Soper, D.E.; Soto-Ontoso, Alba; Soyez, Gregory; Stagnitto, Giovanni; Tena-Vidal, J.; Tomalak, O.; Tramontano, Francesco; Trojanowski, Sebastian; Tu, Z.; Uccirati, Sandro; Ullrich, T.; Ulrich, Yannick; Utheim, Marius; Valassi, A.; Verbytskyi, Andrii; Verheyen, Rob; Wagman, M.; Walker, D.; Webber, B.R.; Weinstein, L.; White, O.; Whitehead, James; Wiesemann, Marius; Wilkinson, C.; Williams, C.; Winterhalder, Ramon; Wret, C.; Xie, K.; Yang, T-Z.; Yazgan, E.; Zanderighi, Giulia; Zanoli, S.; Zapp, Korinna
Preprint: arXiv:2203.11110, 2022-03-21
MCNET-22-03: A standard convention for particle-level Monte Carlo event-variation weights
Bothmann, Enrico; Buckley, Andy; Gütschow, Christian; Prestel, Stefan; Schönherr, Marek; Skands, Peter; Andersen, Jeppe R.; Bhattacharya, Saptaparna; Butterworth, Jonathan Mark; Chahal, Gurpreet Singh; Corpe, Louie; Gellersen, Leif; Gignac, Matthew; Höche, Stefan; Kar, Deepak; Krauss, Frank; Kretzschmar, Jan; Lönnblad, Leif; McFayden, Josh; Papaefstathiou, Andreas; Plätzer, Simon; Schumann, Steffen; Seymour, Michael H.; Siegert, Frank; Siódmok, Andrzej
Preprint: arXiv:2203.08230, 2022-03-15
MCNET-22-02: Jet modifications from colour rope formation in dense systems of non-parallel strings
Bierlich, Christian; Chakraborty, Smita; Gustafson, Gösta; Lönnblad, Leif
Preprint: arXiv:2202.12783, 2022-02-25
MCNET-22-01: Hyperfine splitting effects in string hadronization
Bierlich, Christian; Chakraborty, Smita; Gustafson, Gösta; Lönnblad, Leif
Preprint: arXiv:2201.06316, 2022-01-17
MCNET-22: Multi-photon Monte Carlo event generator KKMCee for lepton and quark pair production in lepton colliders
Jadach, S.; Ward, B.F.L.; Wa̧s, Z.; Yost, S.A.; Siodmok, A.
Published: Comput. Phys. Commun. 283 (2023) 108556
Preprint: arXiv:2204.11949, 2022-04-25
MCNET-21-36: Phenomenology of jet angularities at the LHC
Reichelt, Daniel; Caletti, Simone; Fedkevych, Oleh; Marzani, Simone; Schumann, Steffen; Soyez, Gregory
Preprint: arXiv:2112.09545, 2021-12-17
MCNET-21-31: Novel event generator for the automated simulation of neutrino scattering
Isaacson, Joshua; Höche, Stefan; Lopez Gutierrez, Diego; Rocco, Noemi
Preprint: arXiv:2110.15319, 2021-10-28
MCNET-21-30: Reducing negative weights in Monte Carlo event generation with Sherpa
Danziger, Katharina; Höche, Stefan; Siegert, Frank
Preprint: arXiv:2110.15211, 2021-10-28
MCNET-21-17: Disentangling soft and collinear effects in QCD parton showers
Gellersen, Leif; Höche, Stefan; Prestel, Stefan
Preprint: arXiv:2110.05964, 2021-10-12
MCNET-21-16: Coloring mixed QCD/QED evolution
Gellersen, Leif; Prestel, Stefan; Spannowsky, Michael
Preprint: arXiv:2109.09706, 2021-09-20
MCNET-21-15: Towards NNLO+PS matching with sector showers
Campbell, John M.; Höche, Stefan; Li, Hai Tao; Preuss, Christian T.; Skands, Peter
Preprint: arXiv:2108.07133, 2021-08-16
MCNET-21-14: Hadron interactions for arbitrary energies and species, with applications to cosmic rays
Sjöstrand, Torbjörn; Utheim, Marius
Preprint: arXiv:2108.03481, 2021-08-07
MCNET-21-13: Initial state radiation in the Herwig 7 angular-ordered parton shower
Bewick, Gavin; Ferrario Ravasio, Silvia ; Richardson, Peter; Seymour, Michael H.
Preprint: arXiv:2107.04051, 2021-07-08
MCNET-21-12: The q$_{T}$ and ∆ϕ spectra in W and Z production at the LHC at N$^{3}$LL′+N$^{2}$LO
Ju, Wan-Li; Schönherr, Marek
Published: JHEP 10 (2021) 088
Preprint: arXiv:2106.11260, 2021-06-21
MCNET-21-11: A Study of QCD Radiation in VBF Higgs Production with Vincia and Pythia
Höche, Stefan; Mrenna, Stephen; Payne, Shay; Preuss, Christian Tobias; Skands, Peter
Preprint: arXiv:2106.10987, 2021-06-21
MCNET-21-10: Matching N3LO QCD calculations to parton showers
Prestel, Stefan
Preprint: arXiv:2106.03206, 2021-06-06
MCNET-21-09: Indirect dark-matter detection with MadDM v3.2 – Lines and Loops
Arina, Chiara; Heisig, Jan; Maltoni, Fabio; Massaro, Daniele; Mattelaer, Olivier
Preprint: arXiv:2107.04598, 2021-07-09
MCNET-21-08: A comparative study of Higgs boson production from vector-boson fusion
Buckley, A.; Chen, X.; Cruz-Martinez, J.; Ferrario Ravasio, S.; Gehrmann, T.; Glover, E.W. N.; Höche, S.; Huss, A.; Huston, J.; Lindert, J.M.; Plätzer, S.; Schönherr, M.
Preprint: arXiv:2105.11399, 2021-05-24
MCNET-21-07: Combined SMEFT interpretation of Higgs, diboson, and top quark data from the LHC
Ethier, Jacob J.; Magni, Giacomo; Maltoni, Fabio; Mantani, Luca; Nocera, Emanuele R.; Rojo, Juan; Slade, Emma; Vryonidou, Eleni; Zhang, Cen
Preprint: arXiv:2105.00006, 2021-04-30
MCNET-21-06: Jet angularities in Z+jet production at the LHC
Caletti, Simone; Fedkevych, Oleh; Marzani, Simone; Reichelt, Daniel; Schumann, Steffen; Soyez, Gregory; Theeuwes, Vincent
Published: JHEP 07 (2021) 076
Preprint: arXiv:2104.06920, 2021-04-14
MCNET-21-04: Circular polarisation of gamma rays as a probe of dark matter interactions with cosmic ray electrons
Cermeño, Marina; Degrande, Céline; Mantani, Luca
Preprint: arXiv:2103.14658, 2021-03-26
MCNET-21-03: Hadronic rescattering in pA and AA collisions
Bierlich, Christian; Sjöstrand, Torbjörn; Utheim, Marius
Preprint: arXiv:2103.09665, 2021-03-17
MCNET-21-01: Constraining CP violating operators in charged and neutral triple gauge couplings
Biekötter, Anke; Gregg, Parisa; Krauss, Frank; Schönherr, Marek
Preprint: arXiv:2102.01115, 2021-02-01
MCNET-21: Testing new physics models with global comparisons to collider measurements: the Contur toolkit
Buckley, A.; Butterworth, J.M.; Corpe, L.; Habedank, M.; Huang, D.; Yallup, D.; Altakach, M.; Bassman, G.; Lagwankar, I.; Rocamonde, J.; Saunders, H.; Waugh, B.; Zilgalvis, G.
Published: SciPost Phys. Core 4, 013 (2021)
Preprint: arXiv:2102.04377, 2021-02-08
MCNET-20-28: Towards Colour Flow Evolution at Two Loops
Plätzer, Simon; Ruffa, Ines
Preprint: arXiv:2012.15215, 2020-12-30
MCNET-20-27: Combined subleading high-energy logarithms and NLO accuracy for W production in association with multiple jets
Andersen, Jeppe R.; Black, James A.; Brooks, Helen M.; Byrne, Emmet P.; Maier, Andreas; Smillie, Jennifer M.
Preprint: arXiv:2012.10310, 2020-12-18
MCNET-20-26: Studying dark matter with MadDM 3.1: a short user guide
Arina, Chiara; Heisig, Jan; Maltoni, Fabio; Mantani, Luca; Massaro, Daniele; Mattelaer, Olivier; Mohlabeng, Gopolang
Preprint: arXiv:2012.09016, 2020-12-16
MCNET-20-25: The chirality-flow formalism for the standard model
Alnefjord, Joakim; Lifson, Andrew; Reuschle, Christian; Sjodahl, Malin
Preprint: arXiv:2011.10075, 2020-11-19
MCNET-20-24: Majorana neutrinos in same-sign $W^\pm W^\pm$ scattering at the LHC: Breaking the TeV barrier
Fuks, Benjamin; Neundorf, Jonas; Peters, Krisztian; Ruiz, Richard; Saimpert, Matthias
Published: Phys. Rev. D 103, 055005 (2021)
Preprint: arXiv:2011.02547, 2020-11-04
MCNET-20-23: Probing the Weinberg operator at colliders
Fuks, Benjamin; Neundorf, Jonas; Peters, Krisztian; Ruiz, Richard; Saimpert, Matthias
Published: Phys. Rev. D 103, 115014 (2021)
Preprint: arXiv:2012.09882, 2020-12-17
MCNET-20-22: Setting the string shoving picture in a new frame
Bierlich, Christian; Chakraborty, Smita; Gustafson, Gösta; Lönnblad, Leif
Preprint: arXiv:2010.07595, 2020-10-15
MCNET-20-20: Anatomy of inclusive $t\bar t W$ production at hadron colliders
von Buddenbrock, Stefan; Ruiz, Richard; Mellado, Bruce
Preprint: arXiv:2009.00032, 2020-08-31
MCNET-20-19: Efficient multi-jet merging with the Vincia sector shower
Brooks, Helen; Preuss, Christian T.
Published: CPC 264 (2021) 107985
Preprint: arXiv:2008.09468, 2020-08-21
MCNET-20-18: Combining single and double parton scatterings in a parton shower
Cabouat, Baptiste; Gaunt, Jonathan R.
Preprint: arXiv:2008.01442, 2020-08-04
MCNET-20-17: Four lepton production and the accuracy of QED FSR
Gütschow, Christian; Schönherr, Marek
Preprint: arXiv:2007.15360, 2020-07-30
MCNET-20-15: Challenges in Monte Carlo Event Generator Software for High-Luminosity LHC
Valassi, Andrea; Yazgan, Efe; McFayden, Josh; Amoroso, Simone; Bendavid, Joshua; Buckley, Andy; Cacciari, Matteo; Childers, Taylor; Ciulli, Vitaliano; Frederix, Rikkert; Frixione, Stefano; Giuli, Francesco; Grohsjean, Alexander; Gütschow, Christian; Höche, Stefan; Hopkins, Walter; Ilten, Philip; Konstantinov, Dmitri; Krauss, Frank; Li, Qiang; Lönnblad, Leif; Maltoni, Fabio; Mangano, Michelangelo; Marshall, Zach; Mattelaer, Olivier; Fernandez Menendez, Javier; Mrenna, Stephen; Muralidharan, Servesh; Neumann, Tobias; Plätzer, Simon; Prestel, Stefan; Roiser, Stefan; Schönherr, Marek; Schulz, Holger; Schulz, Markus; Sexton-Kennedy, Elizabeth; Siegert, Frank; Siódmok, Andrzej; Stewart, Graeme A.
Published: Comput Softw Big Sci 5, 12 (2021)
Preprint: arXiv:2004.13687, 2020-04-28
MCNET-20-14: Parton-shower effects in Higgs production via Vector-Boson Fusion
Jäger, Barbara; Karlberg, Alexander; Plätzer, Simon; Scheller, Johannes; Zaro, Marco
Published: Eur. Phys. J. C 80, 756 (2020)
Preprint: arXiv:2003.12435, 2020-03-27
MCNET-20-13: Quantitative study on helicity inversion in Majorana neutrino decays at the LHC
Ruiz, Richard
Preprint: arXiv:2008.01092, 2020-08-03
MCNET-20-12: Measuring the quartic Higgs self-coupling at a multi-TeV muon collider
Chiesa, Mauro; Maltoni, Fabio; Mantani, Luca; Mele, Barbara; Piccinini, Fulvio; Zhao, Xiaoran
Preprint: arXiv:2003.13628, 2020-03-30
MCNET-20-11: Building a consistent parton shower
Forshaw, Jeffrey R.; Holguin, Jack; Plätzer, Simon
Preprint: arXiv:2003.06400, 2020-03-13
MCNET-20-10: The chirality-flow formalism
Lifson, Andrew; Reuschle, Christian; Sjodahl, Malin
Published: Eur. Phys. J. C 80, 1006 (2020)
Preprint: arXiv:2003.05877, 2020-03-12
MCNET-20-09: Sector Showers for Hadron Collisions
Brooks, Helen; Preuss, Christian T.; Skands, Peter
Preprint: arXiv:2003.00702, 2020-03-02
MCNET-20-08: On the reduction of negative weights in MC@NLO-type matching procedures
Frederix, R.; Frixione, S.; Prestel, S.; Torrielli, P.
Preprint: arXiv:2002.12716, 2020-02-28
MCNET-20-07: Multipole photon radiation in the Vincia parton shower
Skands, Peter; Verheyen, Rob
Preprint: arXiv:2002.04939, 2020-02-12
MCNET-20-06: Numerical resummation at subleading color in the strongly ordered soft gluon limit
Höche, Stefan; Reichelt, Daniel
Published: Phys. Rev. D 104, 034006 (2021)
Preprint: arXiv:2001.11492, 2020-01-30
MCNET-20-04: Scale and Scheme Variations in Unitarized NLO Merging
Gellersen, Leif; Prestel, Stefan
Published: Phys. Rev. D 101, 114007 (2020)
Preprint: arXiv:2001.10746, 2020-01-29
MCNET-20-03: Event Generation with Normalizing Flows
Gao, Christina; Höche, Stefan; Isaacson, Joshua; Krause, Claudius; Schulz, Holger
Published: Phys. Rev. D 101, 076002 (2020)
Preprint: arXiv:2001.10028, 2020-01-27
MCNET-20-02: Exploring phase space with Neural Importance Sampling
Bothmann, Enrico; Janßen, Timo; Knobbe, Max; Schmale, Tobias; Schumann, Steffen
Published: SciPost Phys. 8, 069 (2020)
Preprint: arXiv:2001.05478, 2020-01-15
MCNET-20-01: A universal framework for t-channel dark matter models
Arina, Chiara; Fuks, Benjamin; Mantani, Luca
Published: Eur. Phys. J. C80 (2020) 409
Preprint: arXiv:2001.05024, 2020-01-14
MCNET-20: New sensitivity of current LHC measurements to vector-like quarks
Buckley, A.; Butterworth, J.M.; Corpe, L.; Huang, D.; Sun, P.
Published: SciPost Phys. 9, 069 (2020)
Preprint: arXiv:2006.07172, 2020-06-12
MCNET-19-30: Fragmentation of Two Repelling Lund Strings
Duncan, Cody B.; Skands, Peter
Published: SciPost Phys. 8, 080 (2020)
Preprint: arXiv:1912.09639, 2019-12-19
MCNET-19-29: Four-jet double parton scattering production in proton-nucleus collisions within the PYTHIA8 framework
Fedkevych, Oleh; Lönnblad, Leif
Published: Phys. Rev. D 102, 014029 (2020)
Preprint: arXiv:1912.08733, 2019-12-18
MCNET-19-28: Herwig 7.2 release note
Bellm, Johannes; Bewick, Gavin; Ferrario Ravasio, Silvia; Gieseke, Stefan; Grellscheid, David; Kirchgaeßer, Patrick; Masouminia, Mohammad R.; Nail, Graeme; Papaefstathiou, Andreas; Platzer, Simon; Rauch, Michael; Reuschle, Christian; Richardson, Peter; Seymour, Michael H.; Siodmok, Andrzej; Webster, Stephen
Preprint: arXiv:1912.06509, 2019-12-12
MCNET-19-27: The HepMC3 event record library for Monte Carlo event generators
Buckley, Andy; Ilten, Philip; Konstantinov, Dmitri; Lönnblad, Leif; Monk, James; Pokorski, Witold; Przedzinski, Tomasz; Verbytskyi, Andrii
Published: Comput.Phys.Commun. 260 (2021) 107310
Preprint: arXiv:1912.08005, 2019-12-17
MCNET-19-26: Impact of the Recoil Scheme on the Accuracy of Angular-Ordered Parton Showers
Ferrario Ravasio, Silvia; Bewick, Gavin
Preprint: arXiv:1912.05640, 2019-12-11
MCNET-19-25: Improving the description of multiple interactions in Herwig
Bellm, Johannes; Gieseke, Stefan; Kirchgaesser, Patrick
Preprint: arXiv:1911.13149, 2019-11-29
MCNET-19-24: Automated predictions from polarized matrix elements
Buarque Franzosi, Diogo; Mattelaer, Olivier; Ruiz, Richard; Shil, Sujay
Preprint: arXiv:1912.01725, 2019-12-03
MCNET-19-23: On the phenomenology of sphaleron-induced processes at the LHC and beyond
Papaefstathiou, Andreas; Plätzer, Simon; Sakurai, Kazuki
Preprint: arXiv:1910.04761, 2019-10-10
MCNET-19-22: Fast simulation of detector effects in Rivet
Buckley, Andy; Kar, Deepak; Nordström, Karl
Published: SciPost Phys. 8, 025 (2020)
Preprint: arXiv:1910.01637, 2019-10-03
MCNET-19-21: Spacetime colour reconnection in Herwig 7
Bellm, Johannes; Duncan, Cody B.; Gieseke, Stefan; Myska, Miroslav; Siódmok, Andrzej
Published: Eur. Phys. J. C79 no. 12 (2019) 1003
Preprint: arXiv:1909.08850, 2019-09-19
MCNET-19-20: High dimensional parameter tuning for event generators
Bellm, Johannes; Gellersen, Leif
Preprint: arXiv:1908.10811, 2019-08-28
MCNET-19-19: Towards a generic implementation of matrix-element maximisation as a classifier in particle physics
von Buddenbrock, Stefan; Mattelaer, Olivier; Spannowsky, Michael
Preprint: arXiv:1908.05286, 2019-08-14
MCNET-19-18: Computational challenges for MC event generation
Buckley, Andy
Preprint: arXiv:1908.00167, 2019-07-31
MCNET-19-17: Dipole evolution: perspectives for collectivity and $\gamma^*$A collisions
Bierlich, Christian; Rasmussen, Christine O.
Preprint: arXiv:1907.12871, 2019-07-30
MCNET-19-16: The PYTHIA Event Generator: Past, Present and Future
Sjöstrand, Torbjörn
Preprint: arXiv:1907.09874, 2019-07-23
MCNET-19-15: Coherent showers in decays of colored resonances
Brooks, Helen; Skands, Peter
Published: Phys. Rev. D 100, 076006 (2019)
Preprint: arXiv:1907.08980, 2019-07-21
MCNET-19-14: Fitting the Strong Coupling Constant with Soft-Drop Thrust
Marzani, Simone; Reichelt, Daniel; Schumann, Steffen; Soyez, Gregory; Theeuwes, Vincent
Published: JHEP 11 (2019) 179
Preprint: arXiv:1906.10504, 2019-06-25
MCNET-19-13: Sleptons without Hadrons
Fuks, Benjamin; Nordström, Karl; Ruiz, Richard; Williamson, Sophie L.
Published: Phys. Rev. D 100, 074010 (2019)
Preprint: arXiv:1901.09937, 2019-01-28
MCNET-19-12: A Monte-Carlo Simulation of Double Parton Scattering
Cabouat, Baptiste; Gaunt, Jonathan R.; Ostrolenk, Kiran
Published: JHEP11(2019)061
Preprint: arXiv:1906.04669, 2019-06-11
MCNET-19-11: Event Generation with Sherpa 2.2
Bothmann, Enrico; Singh Chahal, Gurpreet; Höche, Stefan; Krause, Johannes; Krauss, Frank; Kuttimalai, Silvan; Liebschner, Sebastian; Napoletano, Davide; Schönherr, Marek; Schulz, Holger; Schumann, Steffen; Siegert, Frank
Published: SciPost Phys. 7, 034 (2019)
Preprint: arXiv:1905.09127, 2019-05-22
MCNET-19-10: Parton branching at amplitude level
Forshaw, Jeffrey R.; Holguin, Jack; Plätzer, Simon
Published: JHEP08(2019)145
Preprint: arXiv:1905.08686, 2019-05-21
MCNET-19-09: Simulation of Vector Boson Plus Many Jet Final States at the High Luminosity LHC
Höche, Stefan; Prestel, Stefan; Schulz, Holger
Published: Phys. Rev. D 100, 014024 (2019)
Preprint: arXiv:1905.05120, 2019-05-13
MCNET-19-08: Collider constraints on Z$^{′}$ models for neutral current B-anomalies
Allanach, B.C.; Butterworth, J.M.; Corbett, Tyler
Preprint: arXiv:1904.10954, 2019-04-24
MCNET-19-07: Multijet Merging in a Variable Flavor Number Scheme
Höche, Stefan; Krause, Johannes; Siegert, Frank
Published: Phys. Rev. D 100, 014011 (2019)
Preprint: arXiv:1904.09382, 2019-04-19
MCNET-19-06: Jet Cross Sections at the LHC and the Quest for Higher Precision
Bellm, Johannes; Buckley, Andy; Chen, Xuan; Gehrmann-De Ridder, Aude; Gehrmann, Thomas; Glover, Nigel; Huss, Alexander; Pires, Joao; Höche, Stefan; Huston, Joey; Kuttimalai, Silvan; Plätzer, Simon; Re, Emanuele
Preprint: arXiv:1903.12563, 2019-03-29
MCNET-19-05: HEJ 2: High Energy Resummation for Hadron Colliders
Andersen, Jeppe R.; Hapola, Tuomas; Heil, Marian; Maier, Andreas; Smillie, Jennifer
Published: Computer Physics Communications Volume 245, December 2019, 106832
Preprint: arXiv:1902.08430, 2019-02-22
MCNET-19-04: BSM constraints from model-independent measurements: A Contur Update
Butterworth, Jon
Preprint: arXiv:1902.03067, 2019-02-08
MCNET-19-03: Full NLO corrections to 3-jet production and $\mathbf {R_{32}}$ at the LHC
Reyer, Max; Schönherr, Marek; Schumann, Steffen
Published: Eur.Phys.J. C79 (2019) no.4, 321
Preprint: arXiv:1902.01763, 2019-02-05
MCNET-19-02: Monte Carlo event generators for high energy particle physics event simulation
Buckley, Andy; Krauss, Frank; Plätzer, Simon; Seymour, Michael; Alioli, Simone; Andersen, Jeppe; Bellm, Johannes; Butterworth, Jon; Dasgupta, Mrinal; Duhr, Claude; Frixione, Stefano; Gieseke, Stefan; Hamilton, Keith; Hesketh, Gavin; Hoeche, Stefan; Jung, Hannes; Kilian, Wolfgang; Lönnblad, Leif; Maltoni, Fabio; Mangano, Michelangelo; Mrenna, Stephen; Nagy, Zoltán; Nason, Paolo; Nurse, Emily; Ohl, Thorsten; Oleari, Carlo; Papaefstathiou, Andreas; Plehn, Tilman; Prestel, Stefan; Re, Emanuele; Reuter, Juergen; Richardson, Peter; Salam, Gavin; Schoenherr, Marek; Schumann, Steffen; Siegert, Frank; Siódmok, Andrzej; Sjödahl, Malin; Sjöstrand, Torbjörn; Skands, Peter; Soper, Davison; Soyez, Gregory; Webber, Bryan
Preprint: arXiv:1902.01674, 2019-02-05
MCNET-19-01: Hard diffraction in photoproduction with Pythia 8
Helenius, Ilkka; Rasmussen, Christine O.
Preprint: arXiv:1901.05261, 2019-01-16
MCNET-18-34: Top-quark effects in diphoton production through gluon fusion at next-to-leading order in QCD
Maltoni, Fabio; Mandal, Manoj K.; Zhao, Xiaoran
Published: Phys. Rev. D 100, 071501 (2019)
Preprint: arXiv:1812.08703, 2018-12-20
MCNET-18-33: Finite Quark-Mass Effects in Higgs Boson Production with Dijets at Large Energies
Andersen, Jeppe R.; Cockburn, James D.; Heil, Marian; Maier, Andreas; Smillie, Jennifer M.
Preprint: arXiv:1812.08072, 2018-12-19
MCNET-18-32: Evaluating multi-loop Feynman integrals numerically through differential equations
Mandal, Manoj K.; Zhao, Xiaoran
Preprint: arXiv:1812.03060, 2018-12-07
MCNET-18-31: Probing the scalar potential via double Higgs boson production at hadron colliders
Borowka, Sophia; Duhr, Claude; Maltoni, Fabio; Pagani, Davide; Shivaji, Ambresh; Zhao, Xiaoran
Preprint: arXiv:1811.12366, 2018-11-29
MCNET-18-30: LHC Constraints on a $B-L$ Gauge Model using Contur
Amrith, S.; Butterworth, J.M.; Deppisch, F.F.; Liu, W.; Varma, A.; Yallup, D.
Published: JHEP 1905 (2019) 154
Preprint: arXiv:1811.11452, 2018-11-28
MCNET-18-29: Kinematic strangeness production in cluster hadronization
Duncan, Cody B.; Kirchgaeßer, Patrick
Published: Eur. Phys. J. C79 no. 1 (2019) 61
Preprint: arXiv:1811.10336, 2018-11-26
MCNET-18-28: Parton showers and matching uncertainties in top quark pair production with Herwig 7
Cormier, Kyle; Plätzer, Simon; Reuschle, Christian; Richardson, Peter; Webster, Stephen
Preprint: arXiv:1810.06493, 2018-10-15
MCNET-18-27: Bootstrapping solutions of scattering equations
Liu, Zhengwen; Zhao, Xiaoran
Published: JHEP 1902 (2019) 071
Preprint: arXiv:1810.00384, 2018-09-30
MCNET-18-26: Accurate simulation of W, Z and Higgs boson decays in Sherpa
Krauss, Frank; Lindert, Jonas M.; Linten, Robin; Schönherr, Marek
Preprint: arXiv:1809.10650, 2018-09-27
MCNET-18-25: QCD multiplet bases with arbitrary parton ordering
Sjodahl, Malin; Thorén, Johan
Preprint: arXiv:1809.05002, 2018-09-13
MCNET-18-24: Hadronic Final States in DIS at NNLO QCD with Parton Showers
Höche, Stefan; Kuttimalai, Silvan; Li, Ye
Published: Phys. Rev. D 98, 114013 (2018)
Preprint: arXiv:1809.04192, 2018-09-11
MCNET-18-23: Average Event Properties from LHC to FCC-hh
Brooks, Helen; Skands, Peter
Published: P. Eur. Phys. J. C (2018) 78: 963
Preprint: arXiv:1808.07224, 2018-08-22
MCNET-18-22: Colour Reconnection from Soft Gluon Evolution
Gieseke, Stefan; Kirchgaeßer, Patrick; Plätzer, Simon; Siodmok, Andrzej
Preprint: arXiv:1808.06770, 2018-08-21
MCNET-18-21: Multi-Higgs boson production and unitarity in vector-boson fusion at future hadron colliders
Kilian, Wolfgang; Sun, Sichun; Yan, Qi-Shu; Zhao, Xiaoran; Zhao, Zhijie
Published: Phys. Rev. D 101, 076012 (2020)
Preprint: arXiv:1808.05534, 2018-08-16
MCNET-18-20: The space–time structure of hadronization in the Lund model
Ferreres-Solé, Silvia; Sjöstrand, Torbjörn
Preprint: arXiv:1808.04619, 2018-08-14
MCNET-18-19: Novel tools and observables for jet physics in heavy-ion collisions
Andrews, Harry Arthur; d’Enterria, David; Apolinario, Liliana; Bertens, Redmer Alexander; Bierlich, Christian; Cacciari, Matteo; Chen, Yi; Chien, Yang-Ting; Mendez, Leticia Cunqueiro; Deak, Michal; Dominguez, Fabio; Harris, Philip Coleman; Kutak, Krzysztof; Lee, Yen-Jie; Mehtar-Tani, Yacine; Mulligan, James; Nguyen, Matthew; Ning-Bo, Chang; Perepelitsa, Dennis; Salam, Gavin; Spousta, Martin; Milhano, José Guilherme; Tywoniuk, Konrad; Van Leeuwen, Marco; Verweij, Marta; Vila, Victor; Wiedemann, Urs A.; Zapp, Korinna C.
Preprint: arXiv:1808.03689, 2018-08-10
MCNET-18-18: Collective Effects: the viewpoint of HEP MC codes
Sjöstrand, Torbjörn
Preprint: arXiv:1808.03117, 2018-08-09
MCNET-18-17: On the Cutoff Dependence of the Quark Mass Parameter in Angular Ordered Parton Showers
Hoang, André H.; Plätzer, Simon; Samitz, Daniel
Preprint: arXiv:1807.06617, 2018-07-17
MCNET-18-16: Microscopic collectivity: The ridge and strangeness enhancement from string–string interactions
Bierlich, Christian
Preprint: arXiv:1807.05271, 2018-07-13
MCNET-18-15: Resonance-Aware Subtraction in the Dipole Method
Höche, Stefan; Liebschner, Sebastian; Siegert, Frank
Preprint: arXiv:1807.04348, 2018-07-11
MCNET-18-14: Color matrix element corrections for parton showers
Plätzer, Simon; Sjodahl, Malin; Thorén, Johan
Preprint: arXiv:1808.00332, 2018-08-01
MCNET-18-13: PISTA: Posterior Ion STAcking
Bellm, Johannes; Bierlich, Christian
Preprint: arXiv:1807.01291, 2018-07-03
MCNET-18-12: The Angantyr model for Heavy-Ion Collisions in PYTHIA8
Bierlich, Christian; Gustafson, Gösta; Lönnblad, Leif; Shah, Harsh
Preprint: arXiv:1806.10820, 2018-06-28
MCNET-18-11: Next-to-leading order electroweak corrections to off-shell WWW production at the LHC
Schönherr, Marek
Preprint: arXiv:1806.00307, 2018-06-01
MCNET-18-10: Higgs-boson plus Dijets: Higher-Order Matching for High-Energy Predictions
Andersen, Jeppe R.; Hapola, Tuomas; Heil, Marian; Maier, Andreas; Smillie, Jennifer M.
Preprint: arXiv:1805.04446, 2018-05-11
MCNET-18-09: Leading-Color Fully Differential Two-Loop Soft Corrections to QCD Dipole Showers
Dulat, Falko; Höche, Stefan; Prestel, Stefan
Published: Phys. Rev. D 98, 074013 (2018)
Preprint: arXiv:1805.03757, 2018-05-09
MCNET-18-08: Models for total, elastic and diffractive cross sections
Rasmussen, Christine O.; Sjöstrand, Torbjörn
Preprint: arXiv:1804.10373, 2018-04-27
MCNET-18-07: MadDM v.3.0: a Comprehensive Tool for Dark Matter Studies
Ambrogi, Federico; Arina, Chiara; Backovic, Mihailo; Heisig, Jan; Maltoni, Fabio; Mantani, Luca; Mattelaer, Olivier; Mohlabeng, Gopolang
Published: Phys. Dark Univ. 24 (2019) 100249
Preprint: arXiv:1804.00044, 2018-03-30
MCNET-18-06: Precise predictions for same-sign W-boson scattering at the LHC
Ballestrero, Alessandro; Biedermann, Benedikt; Brass, Simon; Denner, Ansgar; Dittmaier, Stefan; Frederix, Rikkert; Govoni, Pietro; Grossi, Michele; Jäger, Barbara; Karlberg, Alexander; Maina, Ezio; Pellen, Mathieu; Pelliccioli, Giovanni; Plätzer, Simon; Rauch, Michael; Rebuzzi, Daniela; Reuter, Jürgen; Rothe, Vincent; Schwan, Christopher; Shao, Hua-Sheng; Stienemeier, Pascal; Zanderighi, Giulia; Zaro, Marco; Zeppenfeld, Dieter
Published: Eur.Phys.J. C78 (2018) no.8, 671
Preprint: arXiv:1803.07943, 2018-03-21
MCNET-18-05: Multi-jet merged top-pair production including electroweak corrections
Gütschow, Christian; Lindert, Jonas M.; Schönherr, Marek
Preprint: arXiv:1803.00950, 2018-03-02
MCNET-18-04: Stress testing the vector-boson-fusion approximation in multijet final states
Campanario, Francisco; Figy, Terrance M.; Plätzer, Simon; Rauch, Michael; Schichtel, Peter; Sjödahl, Malin
Published: Phys. Rev. D 98, 033003 (2018)
Preprint: arXiv:1802.09955, 2018-02-27
MCNET-18-03: Soft gluon evolution and non-global logarithms
Ángeles Martínez, René; De Angelis, Matthew; Forshaw, Jeffrey R.; Plätzer, Simon; Seymour, Michael H.
Preprint: arXiv:1802.08531, 2018-02-23
MCNET-18-02: Constraining the Higgs self-couplings at e$^{+}$e$^{−}$ colliders
Maltoni, Fabio; Pagani, Davide; Zhao, Xiaoran
Preprint: arXiv:1802.07616, 2018-02-21
MCNET-18-01: Colour Rearrangement for Dipole Showers
Bellm, Johannes
Preprint: arXiv:1801.06113, 2018-01-18
MCNET-17-9: Higgs Boson Plus Dijets: Higher Order Corrections
Andersen, Jeppe R.; Hapola, Tuomas; Maier, Andreas; Smillie, Jennifer M.
Preprint: arXiv:1706.01002, 2017-06-03
MCNET-17-25: Baryon production from cluster hadronisation
Gieseke, Stefan; Kirchgaeßer, Patrick; Plätzer, Simon
Preprint: arXiv:1710.10906, 2017-10-30
MCNET-17-24: Rare top quark decays at a 100 TeV proton–proton collider: $t \rightarrow bWZ$ and $t\rightarrow hc$
Papaefstathiou, Andreas; Tetlalmatzi-Xolocotzi, Gilberto
Preprint: arXiv:1712.06332, 2017-12-18
MCNET-17-23: Searching for processes with invisible particles using a matrix element-based method
Ferreira de Lima, Danilo Enoque; Mattelaer, Olivier; Spannowsky, Michael
Preprint: arXiv:1712.03266, 2017-12-08
MCNET-17-22: Merging High Energy with Soft and Collinear Logarithms using HEJ and PYTHIA
Andersen, Jeppe R.; Brooks, Helen M.; Lönnblad, Leif
Preprint: arXiv:1712.00178, 2017-11-30
MCNET-17-21: Top Quark Production and Decay in Herwig 7.1
Bellm, Johannes; Cormier, Kyle; Gieseke, Stefan; Plätzer, Simon; Reuschle, Christian; Richardson, Peter; Webster, Stephen
Preprint: arXiv:1711.11570, 2017-11-30
MCNET-17-20: Momentum conservation and unitarity in parton showers and NLL resummation
Höche, Stefan; Reichelt, Daniel; Siegert, Frank
Preprint: arXiv:1711.03497, 2017-11-09
MCNET-17-19: Automated QCD and Electroweak Corrections with Sherpa
Schumann, Steffen
Preprint: arXiv:1711.08023, 2017-11-21
MCNET-17-18: Trilinear Higgs coupling determination via single-Higgs differential measurements at the LHC
Maltoni, Fabio; Pagani, Davide; Shivaji, Ambresh; Zhao, Xiaoran
Preprint: arXiv:1709.08649, 2017-09-25
MCNET-17-17: Single top-quark production with SHERPA
Bothmann, Enrico; Krauss, Frank; Schönherr, Marek
Preprint: arXiv:1711.02568, 2017-11-07
MCNET-17-16: Collectivity without plasma in hadronic collisions
Bierlich, Christian; Gustafson, Gösta; Lönnblad, Leif
Preprint: arXiv:1710.09725, 2017-10-26
MCNET-17-15: Rope Hadronization and Strange Particle Production
Bierlich, Christian
Preprint: arXiv:1710.04464, 2017-10-12
MCNET-17-14: Some Dipole Shower Studies
Cabouat, Baptiste; Sjöstrand, Torbjörn
Preprint: arXiv:1710.00391, 2017-10-01
MCNET-17-13: Improving the Simulation of Quark and Gluon Jets with Herwig 7
Reichelt, Daniel; Richardson, Peter; Siodmok, Andrzej
Preprint: arXiv:1708.01491, 2017-08-04
MCNET-17-12: Sensitivity of jet substructure to jet-induced medium response
Milhano, Guilherme; Wiedemann, Urs Achim; Zapp, Korinna Christine
Preprint: arXiv:1707.04142, 2017-07-13
MCNET-17-11: Electroweak corrections to diphoton plus jets
Chiesa, Mauro; Greiner, Nicolas; Schönherr, Marek; Tramontano, Francesco
Preprint: arXiv:1706.09022, 2017-06-27
MCNET-17-10: The Development of MPI Modeling in Pythia
Sjöstrand, Torbjörn
Preprint: arXiv:1706.02166, 2017-06-07
MCNET-17-09: Combining states without scale hierarchies with ordered parton showers
Fischer, Nadine; Prestel, Stefan
Preprint: arXiv:1706.06218, 2017-06-19
MCNET-17-08: Herwig 7.1 Release Note
Bellm, Johannes; Gieseke, Stefan; Grellscheid, David; Kirchgaeßer, Patrick; Loshaj, Frashër; Nail, Graeme; Papaefstathiou, Andreas; Plätzer, Simon; Podskubka, Radek; Rauch, Michael; Reuschle, Christian; Richardson, Peter; Schichtel, Peter; Seymour, Michael H.; Siódmok, Andrzej; Webster, Stephen
Preprint: arXiv:1705.06919, 2017-05-19
MCNET-17-07: Deep-learning Top Taggers or The End of QCD?
Kasieczka, Gregor; Plehn, Tilman; Russell, Michael; Schell, Torben
Preprint: arXiv:1701.08784, 2017-01-30
MCNET-17-06: Implementing NLO DGLAP evolution in Parton Showers
Höche, Stefan; Krauss, Frank; Prestel, Stefan
Preprint: arXiv:1705.00982, 2017-05-02
MCNET-17-05: Triple collinear emissions in parton showers
Höche, Stefan; Prestel, Stefan
Preprint: arXiv:1705.00742, 2017-05-01
MCNET-17-04: Systematics of quark/gluon tagging
Gras, Philippe; Höche, Stefan; Kar, Deepak; Larkoski, Andrew; Lönnblad, Leif; Plätzer, Simon; Siódmok, Andrzej; Skands, Peter; Soyez, Gregory; Thaler, Jesse
Preprint: arXiv:1704.03878, 2017-04-12
MCNET-17-03: A new model for soft interactions in Herwig
Gieseke, Stefan; Kirchgaeßer, Patrick; Loshaj, Frasher
Preprint: arXiv:1704.00911, 2017-04-04
MCNET-17-02: Soft Interactions in Herwig
Gieseke, S.; Kirchgaeßer, P.; Loshaj, F.
Preprint: arXiv:1703.10808, 2017-03-31
MCNET-17-01: New Physics in multi-Higgs boson final states
Kilian, Wolfgang; Sun, Sichun; Yan, Qi-Shu; Zhao, Xiaoran; Zhao, Zhijie
Preprint: arXiv:1702.03554, 2017-02-12
MCNET-16-48: A shoving model for collectivity in hadronic collisions
Bierlich, Christian; Gustafson, Gösta; Lönnblad, Leif
Preprint: arXiv:1612.05132, 2016-12-15
MCNET-16-46: Soft and diffractive scattering with the cluster model in Herwig
Gieseke, Stefan; Loshaj, Frashër; Kirchgaeßer, Patrick
Preprint: arXiv:1612.04701, 2016-12-14
MCNET-16-45: Top and Electroweak bosons and Higgs
Vryonidou, Eleni
Preprint: arXiv:1611.10155, 2016-11-30
MCNET-16-40: Mixed QCD-EW corrections for Higgs boson production at $e^+e^-$ colliders
Gong, Yinqiang; Li, Zhao; Xu, Xiaofeng; Yang, Li Lin; Zhao, Xiaoran
Preprint: arXiv:1609.03955, 2016-09-13
MCNET-16-39: Same-sign W pair production in composite Higgs models
Englert, Christoph; Schichtel, Peter; Spannowsky, Michael
Preprint: arXiv:1610.07354, 2016-10-24
MCNET-16-38: QCD next-to-leading-order predictions matched to parton showers for vector-like quark models
Fuks, Benjamin; Shao, Hua-Sheng
Preprint: arXiv:1610.04622, 2016-10-14
MCNET-16-37: Modelling electroweak physics for the forward region
Sirendi, Marek
Preprint: arXiv:1608.06906, 2016-08-24
MCNET-16-36: Status and developments of event generators
Sjöstrand, Torbjörn
Preprint: arXiv:1608.06425, 2016-08-23
MCNET-16-35: Generation of central exclusive final states
Lönnblad, Leif; Žlebčík, Radek
Preprint: arXiv:1608.03765, 2016-08-12
MCNET-16-34: Powheg-Pythia matching scheme effects in NLO simulation of dijet events
Buckley, Andy; Bakshi Gupta, Debottam
Preprint: arXiv:1608.03577, 2016-08-11
MCNET-16-33: Simulating V+jet processes in heavy ion collisions with JEWEL
Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, Raghav; Zapp, Korinna Christine
Preprint: arXiv:1608.03099, 2016-08-10
MCNET-16-32: Full mass dependence in Higgs boson production in association with jets at the LHC and FCC
Greiner, Nicolas; Höche, Stefan; Luisoni, Gionata; Schönherr, Marek; Winter, Jan-Christopher
Preprint: arXiv:1608.01195, 2016-08-03
MCNET-16-31: Next-to-leading order QCD predictions for top-quark pair production with up to three jets
Höche, Stefan; Maierhöfer, Philipp; Moretti, Niccolo; Pozzorini, Stefano; Siegert, Frank
Preprint: arXiv:1607.06934, 2016-07-23
MCNET-16-30: tWH associated production at the LHC
Demartin, Federico; Maier, Benedikt; Maltoni, Fabio; Mawatari, Kentarou; Zaro, Marco
Preprint: arXiv:1607.05862, 2016-07-20
MCNET-16-29: Higgs production in association with a top-antitop pair in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory at NLO in QCD
Maltoni, Fabio; Vryonidou, Eleni; Zhang, Cen
Preprint: arXiv:1607.05330, 2016-07-18
MCNET-16-28: Maximizing the significance in Higgs boson pair analyses
Kling, Felix; Plehn, Tilman; Schichtel, Peter
Preprint: arXiv:1607.07441, 2016-07-25
MCNET-16-27: Monte Carlo simulations of Higgs-boson production at the LHC with the KrkNLO method
Jadach, S.; Nail, G.; Płaczek, W.; Sapeta, S.; Siodmok, A.; Skrzypek, M.
Preprint: arXiv:1607.06799, 2016-07-22
MCNET-16-26: Diffractive and non-diffractive wounded nucleons and final states in pA collisions
Bierlich, Christian; Gustafson, Gösta; Lönnblad, Leif
Preprint: arXiv:1607.04434, 2016-07-15
MCNET-16-25: Parton-shower Effects in Vector-Boson-Fusion Processes
Rauch, Michael; Plätzer, Simon
Preprint: arXiv:1607.00159, 2016-07-01
MCNET-16-24: Hadronisation Models and Colour Reconnection
Bierlich, Christian
Preprint: arXiv:1606.09456, 2016-06-30
MCNET-16-23: The Electroweak Sudakov approximation in SHERPA
Thompson, Jennifer M
Preprint: arXiv:1606.09572, 2016-06-30
MCNET-16-22: Reweighting QCD matrix-element and parton-shower calculations
Bothmann, Enrico; Schönherr, Marek; Schumann, Steffen
Published: S. Eur. Phys. J. C (2016) 76: 590
Preprint: arXiv:1606.08753, 2016-06-28
MCNET-16-21: Constraining new physics with collider measurements of Standard Model signatures
Butterworth, Jonathan M.; Grellscheid, David; Krämer, Michael; Sarrazin, Björn; Yallup, David
Preprint: arXiv:1606.05296, 2016-06-16
MCNET-16-20: Recent development in parton shower multijet merging
Bellm, Johannes
Preprint: arXiv:1607.02002, 2016-07-07
MCNET-16-19: Uncovering the relation of a scalar resonance to the Higgs boson
Carmona, Adrian; Goertz, Florian; Papaefstathiou, Andreas
Preprint: arXiv:1606.02716, 2016-06-08
MCNET-16-18: Parton distribution functions in Monte Carlo factorisation scheme
Jadach, S.; Płaczek, W.; Sapeta, S.; Siodmok, A.; Skrzypek, M.
Preprint: arXiv:1606.00355, 2016-06-01
MCNET-16-17: NLO predictions for the production of a spin-two particle at the LHC
Das, Goutam; Degrande, Celine; Hirschi, Valentin; Maltoni, Fabio; Shao, Hua-Sheng
Preprint: arXiv:1605.09359, 2016-05-30
MCNET-16-16: Reweighting Parton Showers
Bellm, Johannes; Plätzer, Simon; Richardson, Peter; Siódmok, Andrzej; Webster, Stephen
Preprint: arXiv:1605.08256, 2016-05-26
MCNET-16-14: Parton Shower Matching Systematics in Vector-Boson-Fusion WW Production
Rauch, Michael; Plätzer, Simon
Preprint: arXiv:1605.07851, 2016-05-25
MCNET-16-13: Vincia for Hadron Colliders
Fischer, Nadine; Prestel, Stefan; Ritzmann, Mathias; Skands, Peter
Preprint: arXiv:1605.06142, 2016-05-19
MCNET-16-12: Parton Shower Uncertainties with Herwig 7: Benchmarks at Leading Order
Bellm, Johannes; Nail, Graeme; Plätzer, Simon; Schichtel, Peter; Siódmok, Andrzej
Preprint: arXiv:1605.01338, 2016-05-04
MCNET-16-11: Aspects of perturbative QCD at a 100 TeV future hadron collider
Bothmann, Enrico; Ferrarese, Piero; Krauss, Frank; Kuttimalai, Silvan; Schumann, Steffen; Thompson, Jennifer
Preprint: arXiv:1605.00617, 2016-05-02
MCNET-16-10: Heavy-quark mass effects in Higgs plus jets production
Frederix, Rikkert; Frixione, Stefano; Vryonidou, Eleni; Wiesemann, Marius
Preprint: arXiv:1604.03017, 2016-04-11
MCNET-16-09: Recent Pythia 8 developments: Hard diffraction, Colour reconnection and γγ collisions
Helenius, Ilkka; Christiansen, Jesper R.; Rasmussen, Christine O.
Preprint: arXiv:1604.07996, 2016-04-27
MCNET-16-08: $Z/\gamma^{∗}$ plus multiple hard jets in high energy collisions
Andersen, Jeppe R.; Medley, Jack J.; Smillie, Jennifer M.
Preprint: arXiv:1603.05460, 2016-03-17
MCNET-16-07: Anomalous coupling, top-mass and parton-shower effects in ${W^+W^-}$ production
Bellm, Johannes; Gieseke, Stefan; Greiner, Nicolas; Heinrich, Gudrun; Plätzer, Simon; Reuschle, Christian; von Soden-Fraunhofen, Johann Felix
Preprint: arXiv:1602.05141, 2016-02-16
MCNET-16-06: Probing Collective Effects in Hadronisation with the Extremes of the Underlying Event
Martin, Tim; Skands, Peter; Farrington, Sinead
Preprint: arXiv:1603.05298, 2016-03-16
MCNET-16-05: Fully-Automated Precision Predictions for Heavy Neutrino Production Mechanisms at Hadron Colliders
Degrande, Celine; Mattelaer, Olivier; Ruiz, Richard; Turner, Jessica
Preprint: arXiv:1602.06957, 2016-02-22
MCNET-16-04: Ordering multiple soft gluon emissions
Ángeles Martínez, René; Forshaw, Jeffrey R.; Seymour, Michael H.
Preprint: arXiv:1602.00623, 2016-02-01
MCNET-16-03: Probing top quark neutral couplings in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory at NLO in QCD
Bessidskaia Bylund, Olga; Maltoni, Fabio; Tsinikos, Ioannis; Vryonidou, Eleni; Zhang, Cen
Preprint: arXiv:1601.08193, 2016-01-29
MCNET-16-02: Cosmic ray air showers from sphalerons
Brooijmans, Gustaaf; Schichtel, Peter; Spannowsky, Michael
Preprint: arXiv:1602.00647, 2016-02-01
MCNET-16-01: NLO efforts in Herwig++
Reuschle, Christian; Bellm, Johannes; Gieseke, Stefan; Grellscheid, David; Plätzer, Simon; Rauch, Michael; Richardson, Peter; Schichtel, Peter; Seymour, Michael H.; Siodmok, Andrzej; Wilcock, Alexandra; Fischer, Nadine; Harrendorf, Marco A.; Nail, Graeme; Papaefstathiou, Andreas; Rauch, Daniel
Preprint: arXiv:1601.04101, 2016-01-15
MCNET-15-37: Hard Diffraction in Pythia 8
Rasmussen, Christine O.
Preprint: arXiv:1512.05872, 2015-12-18
MCNET-15-36: Distinguishing b-quark and gluon jets with a tagged b-hadron
Goncalves, Dorival; Krauss, Frank; Linten, Robin
Preprint: arXiv:1512.05265, 2015-12-16
MCNET-15-35: Extending the MINLO method
Frederix, Rikkert; Hamilton, Keith
Preprint: arXiv:1512.02663, 2015-12-08
MCNET-15-34: Automatic predictions in the Georgi-Machacek model at next-to-leading order accuracy
Degrande, Céline; Hartling, Katy; Logan, Heather E.; Peterson, Andrea D.; Zaro, Marco
Preprint: arXiv:1512.01243, 2015-12-03
MCNET-15-31: Origins of the di-jet asymmetry in heavy ion collisions
Milhano, José Guilherme; Zapp, Korinna Christine
Preprint: arXiv:1512.08107, 2015-12-26
MCNET-15-30: Monte Carlo event generation of photon-photon collisions at colliders
Helenius, Ilkka
Preprint: arXiv:1510.05900, 2015-10-20
MCNET-15-29: Colour Reconnection - Models and Tests
Christiansen, Jesper R.
Preprint: arXiv:1510.04859, 2015-10-16
MCNET-15-28: Herwig 7.0/Herwig++ 3.0 release note
Bellm, Johannes; Gieseke, Stefan; Grellscheid, David; Plätzer, Simon; Rauch, Michael; Reuschle, Christian; Richardson, Peter; Schichtel, Peter; Seymour, Michael H.; Siódmok, Andrzej; Wilcock, Alexandra; Fischer, Nadine; Harrendorf, Marco A.; Nail, Graeme; Papaefstathiou, Andreas; Rauch, Daniel
Preprint: arXiv:1512.01178, 2015-12-03
MCNET-15-27: Matching next-to-leading order predictions to parton showers in supersymmetric QCD
Degrande, Celine; Fuks, Benjamin; Hirschi, Valentin; Proudom, Josselin; Shao, Hua-Sheng
Published: Phys.Lett. B755 (2016) 82-87
Preprint: arXiv:1510.00391, 2015-10-01
MCNET-15-26: Hard Diffraction in $\textsf {PYTHIA8}$
Rasmussen, Christine O.
Preprint: arXiv:1509.03115, 2015-09-10
MCNET-15-25: Rosetta: an operator basis translator for Standard Model effective field theory
Falkowski, Adam; Fuks, Benjamin; Mawatari, Kentarou; Mimasu, Ken; Riva, Francesco; Sanz, Verónica
Preprint: arXiv:1508.05895, 2015-08-24
MCNET-15-24: Higher-order QCD predictions for dark matter production at the LHC in simplified models with s-channel mediators
Backović, Mihailo; Krämer, Michael; Maltoni, Fabio; Martini, Antony; Mawatari, Kentarou; Pellen, Mathieu
Preprint: arXiv:1508.05327, 2015-08-21
MCNET-15-23: NLO QCD+EW predictions for V + jets including off-shell vector-boson decays and multijet merging
Kallweit, Stefan; Lindert, Jonas M.; Maierhofer, Philipp; Pozzorini, Stefano; Schönherr, Marek
Preprint: arXiv:1511.08692, 2015-11-27
MCNET-15-22: A study of multi-jet production in association with an electroweak vector boson
Frederix, Rikkert; Frixione, Stefano; Papaefstathiou, Andreas; Prestel, Stefan; Torrielli, Paolo
Published: JHEP1602(2016)131
Preprint: arXiv:1511.00847, 2015-11-03
MCNET-15-21: Resummation ambiguities in the Higgs transverse-momentum spectrum in the Standard Model and beyond
Bagnaschi, Emanuele; Harlander, Robert V.; Mantler, Hendrik; Vicini, Alessandro; Wiesemann, Marius
Preprint: arXiv:1510.08850, 2015-10-29
MCNET-15-20: Dark matter production through loop-induced processes at the LHC: the s-channel mediator case
Mattelaer, Olivier; Vryonidou, Eleni
Preprint: arXiv:1508.00564, 2015-08-03
MCNET-15-19: Limits on dark matter proton scattering from neutrino telescopes using micrOMEGAs
Bélanger, G.; Da Silva, J.; Perrillat-Bottonet, T.; Pukhov, A.
Published: JCAP 12 (2015) 036
Preprint: arXiv:1507.07987, 2015-07-28
MCNET-15-18: Fast evaluation of theoretical uncertainties with Sherpa and MCgrid
Bothmann, Enrico; Schönherr, Marek; Schumann, Steffen
Preprint: arXiv:1507.03908, 2015-07-14
MCNET-15-17: Heavy charged Higgs boson production at the LHC
Degrande, Celine; Ubiali, Maria; Wiesemann, Marius; Zaro, Marco
Preprint: arXiv:1507.02549, 2015-07-09
MCNET-15-16: Effects of color reconnection on hadron flavor observables
Bierlich, Christian; Christiansen, Jesper Roy
Published: Phys. Rev. D 92, 094010 (2015)
Preprint: arXiv:1507.02091, 2015-07-08
MCNET-15-15: Color reconnection at future e$^{+}$ e$^{-}$ colliders
Christiansen, Jesper R.; Sjöstrand, Torbjörn
Preprint: arXiv:1506.09085, 2015-06-30
MCNET-15-14: Automated event generation for loop-induced processes
Hirschi, Valentin; Mattelaer, Olivier
Preprint: arXiv:1507.00020, 2015-06-30
MCNET-15-13: The midpoint between dipole and parton showers
Höche, Stefan; Prestel, Stefan
Preprint: arXiv:1506.05057, 2015-06-16
MCNET-15-12: QCD-aware partonic jet clustering for truth-jet flavour labelling
Buckley, Andy; Pollard, Chris
Preprint: arXiv:1507.00508, 2015-07-02
MCNET-15-11: Phenomenological analysis of Higgs boson production through gluon fusion in association with jets
Greiner, Nicolas; Höche, Stefan; Luisoni, Gionata; Schönherr, Marek; Winter, Jan-Christopher; Yundin, Valery
Preprint: arXiv:1506.01016, 2015-06-02
MCNET-15-10: Probing U(1) extensions of the MSSM at the LHC Run I and in dark matter searches
Bélanger, G.; Da Silva, J.; Laa, U.; Pukhov, A.
Published: JHEP 09 (2015) 151
Preprint: arXiv:1505.06243, 2015-05-22
MCNET-15-09: String Formation Beyond Leading Colour
Christiansen, Jesper R.; Skands, Peter Z.
Preprint: arXiv:1505.01681, 2015-05-07
MCNET-15-08: Hadronic Higgs production through NLO $+$ PS in the SM, the 2HDM and the MSSM
Mantler, Hendrik; Wiesemann, Marius
Preprint: arXiv:1504.06625, 2015-04-24
MCNET-15-07: Higgs production in association with a single top quark at the LHC
Demartin, Federico; Maltoni, Fabio; Mawatari, Kentarou; Zaro, Marco
Preprint: arXiv:1504.00611, 2015-04-02
MCNET-15-06: Matching NLO QCD with parton shower in Monte Carlo scheme — the KrkNLO method
Jadach, S.; Płaczek, W.; Sapeta, S.; Siódmok, A.; Skrzypek, M.
Preprint: arXiv:1503.06849, 2015-03-23
MCNET-15-05: Tracking down hyper-boosted top quarks
Larkoski, Andrew J.; Maltoni, Fabio; Selvaggi, Michele
Preprint: arXiv:1503.03347, 2015-03-11
MCNET-15-04: Higgs and Z boson associated production via gluon fusion in the SM and the 2HDM
Hespel, B.; Maltoni, F.; Vryonidou, E.
Preprint: arXiv:1503.01656, 2015-03-05
MCNET-15-03: On jet substructure methods for signal jets
Dasgupta, Mrinal; Powling, Alexander; Siodmok, Andrzej
Preprint: arXiv:1503.01088, 2015-03-03
MCNET-15-02: Recursion in multiplet bases for tree-level MHV gluon amplitudes
Du, Yi-Jian; Sjödahl, Malin; Thorén, Johan
Preprint: arXiv:1503.00530, 2015-03-02
MCNET-15-01: Signals of a superlight gravitino at the LHC
Maltoni, Fabio; Martini, Antony; Mawatari, Kentarou; Oexl, Bettina
Preprint: arXiv:1502.01637, 2015-02-05
MCNET-14-35: Beyond Standard Model calculations with Sherpa
Höche, Stefan; Kuttimalai, Silvan; Schumann, Steffen; Siegert, Frank
Preprint: arXiv:1412.6478, 2014-12-19
MCNET-14-34: Automated next-to-leading order predictions for new physics at the LHC: the case of colored scalar pair production
Degrande, Céline; Fuks, Benjamin; Hirschi, Valentin; Proudom, Josselin; Shao, Hua-Sheng
Preprint: arXiv:1412.5589, 2014-12-17
MCNET-14-29: LHAPDF6: parton density access in the LHC precision era
Buckley, Andy; Ferrando, James; Lloyd, Stephen; Nordström, Karl; Page, Ben; Rüfenacht, Martin; Schönherr, Marek; Watt, Graeme
Preprint: arXiv:1412.7420, 2014-12-23
MCNET-14-28: Soft evolution of multi-jet final states
Gerwick, Erik; Hoeche, Stefan; Marzani, Simone; Schumann, Steffen
Preprint: arXiv:1411.7325, 2014-11-26
MCNET-14-27: Effects of Overlapping Strings in pp Collisions
Bierlich, Christian; Gustafson, Gösta; Lönnblad, Leif; Tarasov, Andrey
Preprint: arXiv:1412.6259, 2014-12-19
MCNET-14-26: ColorFull – a C++ library for calculations in SU(Nc) color space
Sjodahl, Malin
Preprint: arXiv:1412.3967, 2014-12-12
MCNET-14-25: Modelling hadronic interactions in HEP MC generators
Skands, Peter
Preprint: arXiv:1412.3525, 2014-12-10
MCNET-14-24: Jet properties at high-multiplicity
Gerwick, Erik; Schichtel, Peter
Preprint: arXiv:1412.1806, 2014-12-04
MCNET-14-23: Spying an invisible Higgs boson
Bernaciak, Catherine; Plehn, Tilman; Schichtel, Peter; Tattersall, Jamie
Preprint: arXiv:1411.7699, 2014-11-27
MCNET-14-22: An introduction to PYTHIA 8.2
Sjöstrand, Torbjörn; Ask, Stefan; Christiansen, Jesper R.; Corke, Richard; Desai, Nishita; Ilten, Philip; Mrenna, Stephen; Prestel, Stefan; Rasmussen, Christine O.; Skands, Peter Z.
Preprint: arXiv:1410.3012, 2014-10-11
MCNET-14-21: Higgs characterisation at NLO in QCD: CP properties of the top-quark Yukawa interaction
Demartin, Federico; Maltoni, Fabio; Mawatari, Kentarou; Page, Ben; Zaro, Marco
Preprint: arXiv:1407.5089, 2014-07-18
MCNET-14-20: Higgs production in association with bottom quarks
Wiesemann, M.; Frederix, R.; Frixione, S.; Hirschi, V.; Maltoni, F.; Torrielli, P.
Preprint: arXiv:1409.5301, 2014-09-18
MCNET-14-19: Transverse momentum resummation for Higgs production via gluon fusion in the MSSM
Harlander, Robert V.; Mantler, Hendrik; Wiesemann, Marius
Preprint: arXiv:1409.0531, 2014-09-01
MCNET-14-18: Top-quark mass effects in double and triple Higgs production in gluon-gluon fusion at NLO
Maltoni, F.; Vryonidou, E.; Zaro, M.
Preprint: arXiv:1408.6542, 2014-08-27
MCNET-14-17: Studying the sensitivity of monotop probes to compressed supersymmetric scenarios at the LHC
Fuks, Benjamin; Richardson, Peter; Wilcock, Alexandra
Preprint: arXiv:1408.3634, 2014-08-15
MCNET-14-16: Interplay between hydrodynamics and jets
Zapp, Korinna C.; Floerchinger, Stefan
Preprint: arXiv:1408.0903, 2014-08-05
MCNET-14-15: Effects of color reconnection on $t\bar{t}$ final states at the LHC
Argyropoulos, Spyros; Sjöstrand, Torbjörn
Preprint: arXiv:1407.6653, 2014-07-24
MCNET-14-14: Higgs-boson production through gluon fusion at NNLO QCD with parton showers
Höche, Stefan; Li, Ye; Prestel, Stefan
Preprint: arXiv:1407.3773, 2014-07-14
MCNET-14-13: Hydrodynamics and Jets in Dialogue
Floerchinger, Stefan; Zapp, Korinna C.
Preprint: arXiv:1407.1782, 2014-07-07
MCNET-14-12: Higgs pair production via gluon fusion in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model
Hespel, Benoit; Lopez-Val, David; Vryonidou, Eleni
Preprint: arXiv:1407.0281, 2014-07-01
MCNET-14-11: Designing and recasting LHC analyses with MadAnalysis 5
Conte, Eric; Dumont, Béranger; Fuks, Benjamin; Wymant, Chris
Preprint: arXiv:1405.3982, 2014-05-15
MCNET-14-10: Drell-Yan lepton pair production at NNLO QCD with parton showers
Höche, Stefan; Li, Ye; Prestel, Stefan
Preprint: arXiv:1405.3607, 2014-05-14
MCNET-14-09: The automated computation of tree-level and next-to-leading order differential cross sections, and their matching to parton shower simulations
Alwall, J.; Frederix, R.; Frixione, S.; Hirschi, V.; Maltoni, F.; Mattelaer, O.; Shao, H. -S.; Stelzer, T.; Torrielli, P.; Zaro, M.
Preprint: arXiv:1405.0301, 2014-05-01
MCNET-14-08: Tuning PYTHIA 8.1: the Monash 2013 Tune
Skands, Peter; Carrazza, Stefano; Rojo, Juan
Preprint: arXiv:1404.5630, 2014-04-22
MCNET-14-07: Towards precise predictions for Higgs-boson production in the MSSM
Bagnaschi, E.; Harlander, R.V.; Liebler, S.; Mantler, H.; Slavich, P.; Vicini, A.
Preprint: arXiv:1404.0327, 2014-04-01
MCNET-14-06: Measuring collinear W emissions inside jets
Krauss, Frank; Petrov, Petar; Schoenherr, Marek; Spannowsky, Michael
Preprint: arXiv:1403.4788, 2014-03-19
MCNET-14-05: Next-to-leading order QCD predictions for top-quark pair production with up to two jets merged with a parton shower
Hoeche, Stefan; Krauss, Frank; Maierhoefer, Philipp; Pozzorini, Stefano; Schonherr, Marek; Siegert, Frank
Preprint: arXiv:1402.6293, 2014-02-25
MCNET-14-04: Revisiting radiation patterns in $e^+e^-$ collisions
Fischer, Nadine; Gieseke, Stefan; Plätzer, Simon; Skands, Peter
Preprint: arXiv:1402.3186, 2014-02-13
MCNET-14-03: Computing decay rates for new physics theories with FeynRules and MadGraph 5_aMC@NLO
Alwall, Johan; Duhr, Claude; Fuks, Benjamin; Mattelaer, Olivier; Öztürk, Deniz Gizem; Shen, Chia-Hsien
Preprint: arXiv:1402.1178, 2014-02-05
MCNET-14-02: Uncertainties in MEPS@NLO calculations of h+jets
Hoeche, Stefan; Krauss, Frank; Schonherr, Marek
Preprint: arXiv:1401.7971, 2014-01-30
MCNET-14-01: Weak Gauge Boson Radiation in Parton Showers
Christiansen, Jesper Roy; Sjöstrand, Torbjörn
Preprint: arXiv:1401.5238, 2014-01-21
MCNET-14-007: Triple vector boson production through Higgs-Strahlung with NLO multijet merging
Hoeche, S.; Krauss, F.; Pozzorini, S.; Schoenherr, M.; Thompson, J.M.; Zapp, K.C.
Published: Phys. Rev. D 89, 093015 (2014)
Preprint: arXiv:1403.7516, 2014-03-28
MCNET-13-21: Summing Large-$N$ Towers in Colour Flow Evolution
Plätzer, Simon
Preprint: arXiv:1312.2448, 2013-12-09
MCNET-13-20: Merging of matrix elements and parton showers at NLO accuracy
Schönherr, Marek; Höche, Stefan; Krauss, Frank; Siegert, Frank
Preprint: arXiv:1311.3634, 2013-11-14
MCNET-13-19: NLO merging in $t\bar{t}$+jets
Schönherr, Marek; Höche, Stefan; Huang, Junwu; Luisoni, Gionata; Winter, Jan
Preprint: arXiv:1311.3621, 2013-11-14
MCNET-13-18: Real-virtual contributions to the inclusive Higgs cross-section at $N^3LO$
Anastasiou, Charalampos; Duhr, Claude; Dulat, Falko; Herzog, Franz; Mistlberger, Bernhard
Preprint: arXiv:1311.1425, 2013-11-06
MCNET-13-17: JEWEL 2.0.0: directions for use
Zapp, Korinna C.
Preprint: arXiv:1311.0048, 2013-10-31
MCNET-13-16: Colour reconnection and its effects on precise measurements at the LHC
Sjöstrand, Torbjörn
Preprint: arXiv:1310.8073, 2013-10-30
MCNET-13-15: Herwig++ 2.7 Release Note
Bellm, J.; Gieseke, S.; Grellscheid, D.; Papaefstathiou, A.; Platzer, S.; Richardson, P.; Rohr, C.; Schuh, T.; Seymour, M.H.; Siodmok, A.; Wilcock, A.; Zimmermann, B.
Preprint: arXiv:1310.6877, 2013-10-25
MCNET-13-14: FeynRules 2.0 - A complete toolbox for tree-level phenomenology
Alloul, Adam; Christensen, Neil D.; Degrande, Céline; Duhr, Claude; Fuks, Benjamin
Preprint: arXiv:1310.1921, 2013-10-07
MCNET-13-13: Challenges for QCD theory: some personal reflections
Sjöstrand, T.
Preprint: arXiv:1309.6747, 2013-09-26
MCNET-13-12: Precise Higgs-background predictions: merging NLO QCD and squared quark-loop corrections to four-lepton + 0,1 jet production
Cascioli, F.; Höche, S.; Krauss, F.; Maierhöfer, P.; Pozzorini, S.; Siegert, F.
Preprint: arXiv:1309.0500, 2013-09-02
MCNET-13-11: NNLOPS simulation of Higgs boson production
Hamilton, Keith; Nason, Paolo; Re, Emanuele; Zanderighi, Giulia
Preprint: arXiv:1309.0017, 2013-08-30
MCNET-13-10: RAMBO on diet
Plätzer, Simon
Preprint: arXiv:1308.2922, 2013-08-13
MCNET-13-09: Simulating spin-$ \frac{3}{2}$ particles at colliders
Christensen, Neil D.; de Aquino, P.; Deutschmann, N.; Duhr, C.; Fuks, B.; Garcia-Cely, C.; Mattelaer, O.; Mawatari, K.; Oexl, B.; Takaesu, Y.
Preprint: arXiv:1308.1668, 2013-08-07
MCNET-13-08: Constraining MPI models using $\sigma_{eff}$ and recent Tevatron and LHC Underlying Event data
Seymour, Michael H.; Siodmok, Andrzej
Preprint: arXiv:1307.5015, 2013-07-18
MCNET-13-07: Zero and one jet combined next-to-leading order analysis of the top quark forward-backward asymmetry
Hoeche, Stefan; Huang, Junwu; Luisoni, Gionata; Schoenherr, Marek; Winter, Jan
Preprint: arXiv:1306.2703, 2013-06-11
MCNET-13-06: PySLHA: a Pythonic interface to SUSY Les Houches Accord data
Buckley, Andy
Preprint: arXiv:1305.4194, 2013-05-17
MCNET-13-05: Monte Carlo Event Generators
Seymour, Michael H.; Marx, Marilyn
Preprint: arXiv:1304.6677, 2013-04-24
MCNET-13-04: ColorMath - A package for color summed calculations in SU(Nc)
Sjödahl, Malin
Preprint: arXiv:1211.2099, 2012-11
MCNET-13-03: Monte Carlo Simulation of Hard Radiation in Decays in Beyond the Standard Model Physics in Herwig++
Richardson, Peter; Wilcock, Alexandra
Preprint: arXiv:1303.4563, 2013-03-19
MCNET-13-02: Multiple Partonic Interactions in Herwig++
Gieseke, Stefan; Rohr, Christian; Siodmok, Andrzej
Preprint: arXiv:1302.4892, 2013-02-20
MCNET-13-01: Extracting $\sigma_{\rm effective}$ from the {CDF} $\gamma$+3jets measurement
Bahr, Manuel; Myska, Miroslav; Seymour, Michael H.; Siodmok, Andrzej
Preprint: arXiv:1302.4325, 2013-02-18
MCNET-12-17: Merging Multi-leg NLO Matrix Elements with Parton Showers
Lönnblad, Leif; Prestel, Stefan
Preprint: arXiv:1211.7278, 2012-11
MCNET-12-16: Fooling Around with the Sudakov Veto Algorithm
Lönnblad, Leif
Preprint: arXiv:1211.7204, 2012-11
MCNET-12-15: Exclusive final states in diffractive excitation
Flensburg, Christoffer; Gustafson, Gösta; Lönnblad, Leif
Preprint: arXiv:1210.2407, 2012-10
MCNET-12-14: Unitarising Matrix Element + Parton Shower merging
Lonnblad, Leif; Prestel, Stefan
Preprint: arXiv:1211.4827, 2012-11
MCNET-12-13: Controlling inclusive cross sections in parton shower + matrix element merging
Plätzer, Simon
Preprint: arXiv:1211.5467, 2012-11
MCNET-12-12: Uncertainties in next-to-leading order plus parton shower matched simulations of inclusive jet and dijet production
Hoeche, Stefan; Schonherr, Marek
Preprint: arXiv:1208.2815, 2012-08
MCNET-12-11: Next-to-Leading Order Simulation of Slepton Pair Production
Fridman-Rojas, Ilan; Richardson, Peter
Preprint: arXiv:1208.0279, 2012-08
MCNET-12-10: Single-top t-channel hadroproduction in the four-flavour scheme with POWHEG and aMC@NLO
Frederix, Rikkert; Re, Emanuele; Torrielli, Paolo
Preprint: arXiv:1207.5391, 2012-07
MCNET-12-09: QCD matrix elements + parton showers: The NLO case
Hoeche, Stefan; Krauss, Frank; Schonherr, Marek; Siegert, Frank
Preprint: arXiv:1207.5030, 2012-07
MCNET-12-08: NLO QCD matrix elements + parton showers in $e^+e^-$ —> hadrons
Gehrmann, Thomas; Hoche, Stefan; Krauss, Frank; Schonherr, Marek; Siegert, Frank
Preprint: arXiv:1207.5031, 2012-07
MCNET-12-07: MINLO: Multi-Scale Improved NLO
Hamilton, Keith; Nason, Paolo; Zanderighi, Giulia
Preprint: arXiv:1206.3572, 2012-06
MCNET-12-06: Colour reconnections in Herwig++
Gieseke, Stefan; Rohr, Christian; Siodmok, Andrzej
Preprint: arXiv:1206.0041, 2012-06
MCNET-12-05: Herwig++ 2.6 Release Note
Arnold, K.; d’Errico, L.; Gieseke, S.; Grellscheid, D.; Hamilton, K.; Papaefstathiou, A.; Platzer, S.; Richardson, P.; Rohr, C.; Schofield, A.; Siodmok, A.; Stoll, M.; Winn, D.
Preprint: arXiv:1205.4902, 2012-05
MCNET-12-04: QCD Coherence and the Top Quark Asymmetry
Skands, Peter; Webber, Bryan; Winter, Jan
Preprint: arXiv:1205.1466, 2012-05
MCNET-12-03: NLO corrections merged with parton showers for Z+2 jets production using the POWHEG method
Re, Emanuele
Preprint: arXiv:1204.5433, 2012-04
MCNET-12-02: Coherent Radiative Parton Energy Loss beyond the BDMPS-Z Limit
Zapp, Korinna Christine; Wiedemann, Urs Achim
Preprint: arXiv:1202.1192, 2012-02
MCNET-12-01: W+ $n$-Jet predictions at the Large Hadron Collider at next-to-leading order matched with a parton shower
Höche, Stefan; Krauss, Frank; Schönherr, Marek; Siegert, Frank
Preprint: arXiv:1201.5882, 2012-01
MCNET-11-27: Subleading $N_c$ improved Parton Showers
Platzer, Simon; Sjodahl, Malin
Preprint: arXiv:1201.0260, 2012-01
MCNET-11-26: Explaining Jet Quenching with Perturbative QCD Alone
Zapp, Korinna C.; Krauss, Frank; Wiedemann, Urs A.
Preprint: arXiv:1111.6838, 2011-11
MCNET-11-25: Multiple Partonic Interaction Developments in Herwig++
Gieseke, S.; Rohr, C.A.; Siodmok, A.
Preprint: arXiv:1110.2675, 2011-10
MCNET-11-24: Dipole Showers and Automated NLO Matching in Herwig++
Platzer, Simon; Gieseke, Stefan
Preprint: arXiv:1109.6256, 2011-09
MCNET-11-23: Supersymmetry and Generic BSM Models in PYTHIA 8
Desai, Nishita; Skands, Peter Z.
Preprint: arXiv:1109.5852, 2011-09
MCNET-11-22: Efficient Matrix-Element Matching with Sector Showers
Lopez-Villarejo, J.J.; Skands, Peter Z.
Preprint: arXiv:1109.3608, 2011-09
MCNET-11-21: Monte Carlo Tools for Jet Quenching
Zapp, Korinna
Preprint: arXiv:1109.1466, 2011-09
MCNET-11-20: ExSample: A Library for Sampling Sudakov-Type Distributions
Platzer, Simon
Preprint: arXiv:1108.6182, 2011-08
MCNET-11-19: The Sudakov Veto Algorithm Reloaded
Platzer, Simon; Sjodahl, Malin
Preprint: arXiv:1108.6180, 2011-08
MCNET-11-18: Identifying the colour of TeV-scale resonances
Ask, S.; Collins, J.H.; Forshaw, J.R.; Joshi, K.; Pilkington, A.D.
Preprint: arXiv:1108.2396, 2011-08
MCNET-11-17: Practical improvements and merging of POWHEG simulations for vector boson production
Alioli, Simone; Hamilton, Keith; Re, Emanuele
Preprint: arXiv:1108.0909, 2011-08
MCNET-11-16: Methods to Select Soft Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC
Nurse, Emily; Sen, Sercan
Preprint: arXiv:1107.2688, 2011-07
MCNET-11-15: Next-to-Leading-Order Monte Carlo Simulation of Diphoton Production in Hadronic Collisions
D’Errico, Luca; Richardson, Peter
Preprint: arXiv:1106.3939, 2011-06
MCNET-11-14: A Positive-Weight Next-to-Leading-Order Monte Carlo Simulation of Deep Inelastic Scattering and Higgs Boson Production via Vector Boson Fusion in Herwig++
D’Errico, Luca; Richardson, Peter
Preprint: arXiv:1106.2983, 2011-06
MCNET-11-13: QCD for Collider Physics
Skands, Peter Z.
Preprint: arXiv:1104.2863, 2011-04
MCNET-11-12: A Parton Shower for High Energy Jets
Andersen, Jeppe R.; Lonnblad, Leif; Smillie, Jennifer M.
Preprint: arXiv:1104.1316, 2011-04
MCNET-11-11: A local Monte Carlo framework for coherent QCD parton energy loss
Zapp, Korinna Christine; Stachel, Johanna; Wiedemann, Urs Achim
Preprint: arXiv:1103.6252, 2011-03
MCNET-11-10: Jet vetoing and Herwig++
Schofield, Alex; Seymour, Michael H.
Preprint: arXiv:1103.4811, 2011-03
MCNET-11-09: Correlations in double parton distributions at small x
Flensburg, Christoffer; Gustafson, Gosta; Lonnblad, Leif; Ster, Andras
Preprint: arXiv:1103.4320, 2011-03
MCNET-11-08: Inclusive and Exclusive Observables from Dipoles in High Energy Collisions
Flensburg, Christoffer; Gustafson, Gosta; Lonnblad, Leif
Preprint: arXiv:1103.4321, 2011-03
MCNET-11-07: Energy Scaling of Minimum-Bias Tunes
Schulz, H.; Skands, P.Z.
Preprint: arXiv:1103.3649, 2011-03
MCNET-11-06: Discerning Secluded Sector gauge structures
Carloni, Lisa; Rathsman, Johan; Sjostrand, Torbjorn
Preprint: arXiv:1102.3795, 2011-02
MCNET-11-05: Higher-Order Corrections to Timelike Jets
Giele, W.T.; Kosower, D.A.; Skands, P.Z.
Preprint: arXiv:1102.2126, 2011-02
MCNET-11-04: Herwig++ 2.5 Release Note
Gieseke, S.; Grellscheid, D.; Hamilton, K.; Papaefstathiou, A.; Platzer, S.; Richardson, P.; Rohr, C.A.; Ruzicka, P.; Siodmok, A.; Suter, L.; Winn, D.
Preprint: arXiv:1102.1672, 2011-02
MCNET-11-03: Multiparton Interactions with an x-dependent Proton Size
Corke, Richard; Sjostrand, Torbjorn
Preprint: arXiv:1101.5953, 2011-01
MCNET-11-02: Forward-Backward Correlations and Event Shapes as probes of Minimum-Bias Event Properties
Wraight, Kenneth; Skands, Peter
Preprint: arXiv:1101.5215, 2011-01
MCNET-11-01: General-purpose event generators for LHC physics
Buckley, Andy; Butterworth, Jonathan; Gieseke, Stefan; Grellscheid, David; Hoche, Stefan; Hoeth, Hendrik; Krauss, Frank; Lonnblad, Leif; Nurse, Emily; Richardson, Peter; Schumann, Steffen; Seymour, Michael H.; Sjostrand, Torbjorn; Skands, Peter; Webber, Bryan
Preprint: arXiv:1101.2599, 2011-01
MCNET-10-23: Jet pair production in POWHEG
Alioli, Simone; Hamilton, Keith; Nason, Paolo; Oleari, Carlo; Re, Emanuele
Preprint: arXiv:1012.3380, 2010-12
MCNET-10-22: Monte Carlo simulations of jet quenching in heavy ion collisions
Zapp, Korinna Christine
Preprint: arXiv:1012.0177, 2010-12
MCNET-10-21: QCD parton showers and NLO EW corrections to Drell-Yan
Richardson, P.; Sadykov, R.R.; Sapronov, A.A.; Seymour, M.H.; Skands, P.Z.
Preprint: arXiv:1011.5444, 2010-11
MCNET-10-20: Interleaved Parton Showers and Tuning Prospects
Corke, Richard; Sjostrand, Torbjorn
Preprint: arXiv:1011.1759, 2010-11
MCNET-10-19: Comparing different ansatzes to describe electroweak radiative corrections to exclusive semileptonic B meson decays into (pseudo)scalar final state mesons using Monte-Carlo techniques
Bernlochner, Florian U.; Schonherr, Marek
Preprint: arXiv:1010.5997, 2010-10
MCNET-10-18: A positive-weight next-to-leading order simulation of weak boson pair production
Hamilton, Keith
Preprint: arXiv:1009.5391, 2010-09
MCNET-10-17: NLO matrix elements and truncated showers
Hoche, Stefan; Krauss, Frank; Schonherr, Marek; Siegert, Frank
Preprint: arXiv:1009.1127, 2010-09
MCNET-10-16: Automating the POWHEG method in Sherpa
Hoche, Stefan; Krauss, Frank; Schonherr, Marek; Siegert, Frank
Preprint: arXiv:1008.5399, 2010-08
MCNET-10-15: Monte Carlo for the LHC
Seymour, Michael H.
Preprint: arXiv:1008.2927, 2010-08
MCNET-10-14: Flavour Les Houches Accord: Interfacing Flavour related Codes
Mahmoudi, F.; Heinemeyer, S.; Arbey, A.; Bharucha, A.; Goto, T.; Hahn, T.; Haisch, U.; Kraml, S.; Muhlleitner, M.; Reuter, J.; Skands, P.; Slavich, P.
Preprint: arXiv:1008.0762, 2010-08
MCNET-10-13: A Comparison of new MC-adapted Parton Densities
Kasemets, T.; Sjostrand, T.
Preprint: arXiv:1007.0897, 2010-07
MCNET-10-12: MCdevelop: The Universal framework for Stochastic Simulations
Slawinska, M.; Jadach, S.
Preprint: arXiv:1006.5633, 2010-06
MCNET-10-11: Visible Effects of Invisible Hidden Valley Radiation
Carloni, Lisa; Sjostrand, Torbjorn
Preprint: arXiv:1006.2911, 2010-06
MCNET-10-10: Diffraction and correlations at the LHC: Definitions and observables
Khoze, V.A.; Krauss, F.; Martin, A.D.; Ryskin, M.G.; Zapp, K.C.
Preprint: arXiv:1005.4839, 2010
MCNET-10-09: Diffraction in Pythia
Navin, Sparsh
Preprint: arXiv:1005.3894, 2010-05
MCNET-10-08: Tuning Monte Carlo Generators: The Perugia Tunes
Skands, Peter Zeiler
Preprint: arXiv:1005.3457, 2010-05
MCNET-10-07: Properties of Inclusive Versus Exclusive QCD Evolution Kernels
Kusina, A.; Jadach, S.; Skrzypek, M.; Slawinska, M.
Preprint: arXiv:1004.4131, 2010-04
MCNET-10-06: A Search for heavy Kaluza-Klein electroweak gauge bosons at the LHC
Bella, Gideon; Etzion, Erez; Hod, Noam; Oz, Yaron; Silver, Yiftah; Sutton, Mark
Preprint: arXiv:1004.2432, 2010-04
MCNET-10-05: Introduction to the MCnet Moses project and Heavy gauge bosons search at the LHC
Bella, Gideon; Etzion, Erez; Hod, Noam; Sutton, Mark
Preprint: arXiv:1004.1649, 2010-04
MCNET-10-04: Improved Parton Showers at Large Transverse Momenta
Corke, R.; Sjostrand, T.
Preprint: arXiv:1003.2384, 2010
MCNET-10-03: Inclusion of Parton Distribution Functions in PYTHIA8
Kasemets, Tomas
Preprint: arXiv:1002.4376, 2010-02
MCNET-10-02: A Study of a NLO matrix element generator for W(gamma) and matching scheme for NLO events and PYTHIA parton shower
Majumder, D.; Mazumdar, K.; Sjostrand, T.
Published: Proceedings of Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, 8-26 June 2009
Preprint: arXiv:1002.4296, 2010-02
MCNET-10-01: Resummation of transverse energy in vector boson and Higgs boson production at hadron colliders
Papaefstathiou, Andreas; Smillie, Jennifer M.; Webber, Bryan R.
Preprint: arXiv:1002.4375, 2010-02
MCNET-09-20: Real Emission and Virtual Exchange of Gravitons and Unparticles in Pythia8
Ask, S.; Akin, I.V.; Benucci, L.; De Roeck, A.; Goebel, M.; Haller, J.
Preprint: arXiv:0912.4233, 2009-12
MCNET-09-19: Hadronic final states in deep-inelastic scattering with Sherpa
Carli, Tancredi; Gehrmann, Thomas; Hoeche, Stefan
Preprint: arXiv:0912.3715, 2010
MCNET-09-18: Hard photon production and matrix-element parton-shower merging
Hoeche, Stefan; Schumann, Steffen; Siegert, Frank
Preprint: arXiv:0912.3501, 2009-12
MCNET-09-17: Monte Carlo Tools
Sjostrand, Torbjorn
Preprint: arXiv:0911.5286, 2009-11
MCNET-09-16: Multiparton Interactions and Rescattering
Corke, Richard; Sjostrand, Torbjorn
Preprint: arXiv:0911.1909, 2009-11
MCNET-09-15: Coherent Parton Showers with Local Recoils
Platzer, Simon; Gieseke, Stefan
Preprint: arXiv:0909.5593, 2009-09
MCNET-09-14: Systematic event generator tuning for the LHC
Buckley, Andy; Hoeth, Hendrik; Lacker, Heiko; Schulz, Holger; von Seggern, Jan Eike
Preprint: arXiv:0907.2973, 2009
MCNET-09-13: Color structure for soft gluon resummation: A General recipe
Sjodahl, Malin
Preprint: arXiv:0906.1121, 2009-06
MCNET-09-12: Monte Carlo tuning and generator validation
Buckley, Andy; Hoeth, Hendrik; Lacker, Heiko; Schulz, Holger; von Seggern, Eike
Preprint: arXiv:0906.0075, 2009-06
MCNET-09-11: Soft interactions in Herwig++
Bahr, Manuel; Butterworth, Jonathan M.; Gieseke, Stefan; Seymour, Michael H.
Preprint: arXiv:0905.4671, 2009-05
MCNET-09-10: Non-perturbative effects in the transverse momentum distribution of electroweak bosons at the LHC
Siodmok, Andrzej; Gieseke, Stefan; Seymour, Michael H.
Preprint: arXiv:0905.3455, 2009-05
MCNET-09-09: A Modified CKKW matrix element merging approach to angular-ordered parton showers
Hamilton, Keith; Richardson, Peter; Tully, Jon
Preprint: arXiv:0905.3072, 2009-05
MCNET-09-08: A Positive-Weight Next-to-Leading Order Monte Carlo Simulation for Higgs Boson Production
Hamilton, Keith; Richardson, Peter; Tully, Jon
Preprint: arXiv:0903.4345, 2009-03
MCNET-09-07: MC and NLO for the hadronic decay of Higgs bosons in associated production with vector bosons
Latunde-Dada, Oluseyi
Preprint: arXiv:0903.4135, 2009-03
MCNET-09-06: A Study on Matrix Element corrections in inclusive Z/ gamma* production at LHC as implemented in PYTHIA, HERWIG, ALPGEN and SHERPA
Lenzi, P.; Butterworth, J.M.
Preprint: arXiv:0903.3918, 2009-03
MCNET-09-05: Some remarks on dipole showers and the DGLAP equation
Skands, Peter Z.; Weinzierl, Stefan
Preprint: arXiv:0903.2150, 2009-03
MCNET-09-04: QCD matrix elements and truncated showers
Hoeche, Stefan; Krauss, Frank; Schumann, Steffen; Siegert, Frank
Preprint: arXiv:0903.1219, 2009-03
MCNET-09-03: Monte Carlo event generator validation and tuning for the LHC
Buckley, Andy; Hoeth, Hendrik; Schulz, Holger; von Seggern, Jan Eike
Preprint: arXiv:0902.4403, 2009-02
MCNET-09-02: Quasielastic Scattering in the Dipole Model
Flensburg, Christoffer
Preprint: arXiv:0902.3606, 2009-02
MCNET-09-01: One Universal Extra Dimension in Pythia
ElKacimi, M.; Goujdami, D.; Przysiezniak, H.; Skands, Peter Z.
Preprint: arXiv:0901.4087, 2009-01
MCNET-08-15: Multiple Interactions in Pythia 8
Corke, Richard
Preprint: arXiv:0901.2852, 2009-01
MCNET-08-14: Event generation with SHERPA 1.1
Gleisberg, T.; Hoeche, Stefan.; Krauss, F.; Schonherr, M.; Schumann, S.; Siegert, F.; Winter, J.
Preprint: arXiv:0811.4622, 2008-11
MCNET-08-13: Soft Photon Radiation in Particle Decays in SHERPA
Schonherr, Marek; Krauss, Frank
Preprint: arXiv:0810.5071, 2008-10
MCNET-08-12: Tools for event generator tuning and validation
Buckley, Andy
Preprint: arXiv:0809.4638, 2008-09
MCNET-08-11: Underlying events in Herwig++
Bahr, Manuel; Gieseke, Stefan; Seymour, Michael H.
Preprint: arXiv:0809.2669, 2008-09
MCNET-08-10: Herwig++ Status Report
Bahr, M.; Gieseke, S.; Gigg, M.A.; Grellscheid, D.; Hamilton, K.; Latunde-Dada, O.; Platzer, S.; Richardson, P.; Seymour, M.H.; Sherstnev, A.; Tully, J.; Webber, B.R.
Preprint: arXiv:0809.2002, 2008-09
MCNET-08-09: PYTHIA 8 Status Report
Sjostrand, Torbjorn
Preprint: arXiv:0809.0303, 2008-09
MCNET-08-08: Comix, a new matrix element generator
Gleisberg, Tanju; Hoeche, Stefan
Preprint: arXiv:0808.3674, 2008-08
MCNET-08-07: How to calculate colourful cross sections efficiently
Gleisberg, Tanju; Hoeche, Stefan; Krauss, Frank; Matyszkiewicz, Radoslaw
Preprint: arXiv:0808.3672, 2008-08
MCNET-08-06: Non-perturbative QCD Effects and the Top Mass at the Tevatron
Wicke, Daniel; Skands, Peter Z.
Preprint: arXiv:0807.3248, 2008-07
MCNET-08-05: Elastic and quasi-elastic $p p$ and $\gamma^{*} p$ scattering in the Dipole Model
Flensburg, Christoffer; Gustafson, Gosta; Lonnblad, Leif
Preprint: arXiv:0807.0325, 2008-07
MCNET-08-04: Multiple Interactions in Herwig++
Bahr, Manuel; Gieseke, Stefan; Seymour, Michael H.
Preprint: arXiv:0806.4250, 2008-06
MCNET-08-03: The Underlying Event and the Total Cross Section from Tevatron to the LHC
Bahr, Manuel; Butterworth, Jonathan M.; Seymour, Michael H.
Preprint: arXiv:0806.2949, 2008-06
MCNET-08-02: A Positive-Weight Next-to-Leading Order Monte Carlo Simulation of Drell-Yan Vector Boson Production
Hamilton, Keith; Richardson, Peter; Tully, Jon
Preprint: arXiv:0806.0290, 2008-06
MCNET-08-01: Simulation of Finite Width Effects in Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Gigg, M.A.; Richardson, P.
Preprint: arXiv:0805.3037, 2008-05
MCNET 22-16: Improving colour computations in MadGraph5_aMC@NLO and exploring a $1/N_c$ expansion
Lifson, Andrew; Mattelaer, Olivier
Preprint: arXiv:2210.07267, 2022-10-13
MCNET: Higgs phenomenology as a probe of sterile neutrinos
Butterworth, Jonathan M.; Chala, Mikael; Englert, Christoph; Spannowsky, Michael; Titov, Arsenii
Published: Phys. Rev. D 100, 115019 (2019)
Preprint: arXiv:1909.04665, 2019-09-10
IPPP/23/83;MCNET/23/21: Zero-bin subtraction and the q$_{T}$ spectrum beyond leading power
Ferrera, Giancarlo; Ju, Wan-Li; Schönherr, Marek
Preprint: arXiv:2312.14911, 2023-12-22
BONN-TH-2023-03: UFO 2.0: the ‘Universal Feynman Output’ format
Darmé, Luc; Degrande, Céline; Duhr, Claude; Fuks, Benjamin; Goodsell, Mark; Heinrich, Gudrun; Hirschi, Valentin; Höche, Stefan; Höfer, Marius; Isaacson, Joshua; Mattelaer, Olivier; Ohl, Thorsten; Pagani, Davide; Reuter, Jürgen; Richardson, Peter; Schumann, Steffen; Shao, Hua-Sheng; Siegert, Frank; Zaro, Marco
Preprint: arXiv:2304.09883, 2023-04-19