Collaboration Board
MCnet is governed by the Collaboration Board, a group of senior MCnetters:
- Mike Seymour
- Jeppe Andersen
- Andy Buckley
- Jon Butterworth
- Steffen Schumann
- Stefan Gieseke
- Christian Gütschow
- Fabio Maltoni
- Leif Lonnblad
- Frank Krauss
- Torbjorn Sjostrand
- Malin Sjödahl
- Peter Richardson
- Claude Duhr
- Peter Skands
- Tilman Plehn
- Andrzej Siodmok
- Simon Plätzer
- Stefan Prestel
- Olivier Mattelaer
- Celine Degrande
- Marek Schönherr
- Frank Siegert
- Stefan Hoeche
- Andreas Papaefstathiou
The Student and Postdoc Committee
The S&P committee help to organise our network meetings and also represent student and postdoc views at our monthly management committee meetings. You can contact them by email. Current members are:
- Smita Chakraborty
- Luca Mantani
- Patrick Kirchgaesser
- Andrew Lifson
- Simon Luca Villani
- Witold Pokorski
- Monica D’Onofrio
- Filip Moortgat
- Andreas Morsch
- Gloria Corti