MCnet is an international community of high-energy physics theorists, experimentalists, and software developers behind the leading techniques and tools for simulating fully exclusive particle-collision events.

MCnet members are responsible for the leading shower+hadronisation event-generator code families Herwig, Pythia, MadGraph/aMC@NLO, and Sherpa, key to particle-physics experiments including those at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Find out more about us.

Previously the MCnetITN3 EU Innovative Training Network, MCnet is now an umbrella community for all working in methods, codes, and applications of general-purpose MC event generators. We coordinate interoperability of tools, support the experiment and phenomenology physics communities, and provide training and community events including workshops, meetings and summer schools.


Short-term studentships

We are happy to announce short-term MC project placements with MCnet teams, in association with CERN. See our Opportunities page for details and how to apply.

MC School 2025: Stirling, UK, 9-13 June 2025

The 18th MCnet school will be held at the University of Stirling, Scotland, from 9-13 June 2025.