We are very happy to announce short-term PhD student exchange placements for around 3 months with MC-generator teams, in collaboration with the LHC Physics Centre at CERN. These are similar to the short-term studentships previously organised within the context of the MCnet MSCA funded networks, but are not limited to placements at member nodes of the MCnet collaboration. We expect to announce a handfull of these studentships 4-3 times a year, and welcome proposals for projects from outside the the collaboration, especially from PhD students interesed in learning more about event generators.
The first round of projects for was sourced from within the collaboration. These MCnet placement studentships are open to applications, and documented at the following wiki page:
To apply for one of these studentships, please send an e-mail to the listed contact persons, supplying a short motivation, your CV, and a letter of support from your thesis supervisor. The deadline for applications is February 28 2025.
To propose a project for a future round of applications, please contact anyone on the MCnet collaboration board. The next cutoff-date for proposals is March 31 2025.